Advice pls


Apr 25, 2011
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I've only been a member for a few weeks so most of you won't know but I've been ttc for over 18mths and have very frustrating cycles.
I'm currently on day 69 of my cycle with no symptoms and no bfp. I've been to my dr before and she was less than helpful and told me to basically go away and come back when I was 30 ( I'm 28 btw). I've booked another appt for Wednesday (cd 72!)

Can you give me dome advice on what to ask or say to get her to take this more seriously. I feel like we are :wall2:
they have to take you seriously if you have been actively ttc for over 12 months hon. You are just going to have to put your foot down i think xx
the nhs guidelines state after 12 months ttc your entitled to blood work and for investigations. Go back and tell her you know this. Its to the drs discression how soon you can have a referal but the guidelines state 2 years. Put your foot down your entitled to these tests
Hiya Vegas :)

Print of this page:

Highlight the following bits:
"It is a good idea for a couple to visit their GP if they have not conceived after one year of trying"
"A couple will only be diagnosed as being infertile if they have not managed to have a baby after two years of trying"

Take the sheet with you to pull out if they try to delay you further.

You have been trying for 18 months and are therefore it is reasonable for your doctor to take you seriously and start you on diagnositcs at the very least.

Also, if you waited until you are 30 then you would have been ttc for 3 and a half years even though the Nhs would regard you as medically infertile within 2 years. He can't make up his own guidelines!

Then you need to go to the website for your PCT and find the requirements regarding infertility treatment so you can show that you are eligible to receive the extent of the treatments available. So you meet the age limit, weight limit and don't smoke/drink.

Email the PCT too. Explain your situation with your GP and ask them to clarify the proceedure that the GP *should* be following. If they offer to contact your GP, great. If they send you an response in your favour, print it off and take it along.

When you go, take your partner along with you. Dress smartly, not ott, but you know... pleasant and clean.

Don't forget that you don't *have* to see the same GP. I'd seen three GPs at my clinic... plus you can also go to a completely ddifferent clinic completely.

Maybe even take a pen and paper and write down what is said to you. Some GPs will be more reasonable if they think what they are saying will be repeated.

Good luck Vegas :)
Thanks! I appreciate the info. Does anyone have any info on what options the dr may give us? It would be nice to go there ready and prepared thanks again
Thanks so much louise that's great. I'm really grateful.
No problem :)

Here is another link to the Nhs website referring to irregular cycles that you could print off and take with you:

It states that anything over 40 days in a cycle is not considered normal and then goes through possible causes - you could tick them off with the doctor and i assume you'd be left with

  • a hormonal imbalance
  • a thyroid disorder
  • disorders of the womb or ovaries
I can't see him having any choice but to start you on diagnostics which would involve blood tests and smears at first and if nothing has been discovered then ultrasounds.

Depending on what the problem is you might be put on medication or have surgery or be referred for IUI/IVF :)
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