Please help new to this site an need advice pls

Amanda j

Apr 25, 2012
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Need help pls ladies, me and the boyfriend decided to try for a baby, I have been off the pill since December but used condoms till about six weeks ago, when I came off the pill every cycle was normal and on time, but saying that I've never counted days before just had a mental note of when I would be due on, so this is my first time trying and I've never been pregnant before so I've no idea what to feel or expect, off an 28 day cycle I'm now 6 days late but done a few tests and all are bfn, I'm not stressing out about being late but this is all new to me so pls help
Hi, I would say that it may be too early to test.

Do you have achey boobs, need to wee all the time, so tired you can hardly move, cramps low down in your belly?

If so, I would say that you may very well be pg but it is best to see your doctor who can do a blood test and tell you for definate.

Good luck hon x
Bloated, an feel like on my period all the time but every time I check nothing? Got more discharge than normal (tmi) sorry but don't know if that means anything? Feel a little silly that I should know my body better than this
Read so many stories about woman testing negitave till 10 weeks or more which makes me question hpt accuracy

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