Conception tips pls!


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Hi all! Another unsuccessful month for me, so am fishing for any useful tips that may aid conception... Used to have regular 28 day cycles, but this year my cycles have been all over the place, so now I can no longer track OV properly myself. I've got Clearblue OV sticks - do you reckon they're pretty accurate? Also, I keep seeing women talking about their temperature - can someone explain that method to me pls? I'm taking pregnancy vitamins (though ones bought from America, coz I have a hard time swallowing pills, and they sell chewables there). My job is pretty stressful, and I often have to carry heavy folders between places - could this be detrimental to my baby-making attempts?

Been trying again since January, thought I'd have gotten lucky by now. Any helpful tips would be most appreciated. x
You could try the ''sperm meets egg plan'' SMEP, give it a google

concieve plus lube

and..........relax lol it will happen, 3 years for me now and i know it will happen when i least expect it
I am wanting to concieve i only came off the pill last month any tips or things i should be doing to prepare? i read folic acid is good to take even when just trying to concieve?x
yeah you can get vitamins for TTC, pregnacare do a good range

dont get too swept up in it all though, really dont, its too stressful, just let it happen
Hope you dont mind me popping in here to leave some tips.

Basically hubby and i had tried since I came off the pill last April but it was sporadic and obviously not at the right time to conceive. It was heartbreaking every month not succeeding but it does happen.

As Lynette says relax and it will happen if you think about it too much it messes your head.

To cut a long story short what we did was dtd whenever we took the notion in whatever position didnt use ov sticks, temperature charts just "hit and hope" i suppose. Never lay still afterwards like they say is helpful just got up and carrie dout as if nothing had ever happened. I had also got into the mind set that i didnt want kids reverse psychology if you like and hey presto it worked

It will happen for you all xxx
I just posted on someone else's thread about my experience.

I still feel pretty relaxed about it all and believe it will happen when the time is right.

We have a little girl who is 3. She was a happy surprise. This month is cycle two for us ttc our second. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on together tips. But funnily enough I thought to mysel yesterday 'you know, I didn't do all of this first time around, so why start now'.

The only thing I am doing is tracking my cycles. My periods have been quite irregular this past year, so I bought a cbfm to see what was going on. Although we are trying to have regular sex, it's hard with working full time and little one so, it also helps to know when I'm becoming most fertile.

Last month I used conceive plus and lay for a good while afterwards. It didn't result in a bfp.

When I got pregnant with my first unused to go to the loo straight after (as I read somewhere years ago it's good to pee soon after sex to help prevent infections', we gasped sex in whatever position we fancied. We ate what we wanted, had a few drinks when we wanted, drank coffee and fizzy drinks.

What we I'd do was have a LOT of sex! Lol. Plus lots of orgasms (tmi, sorry). I did read though that orgasms are suppos to help. ;)

Sothis month I'm trying to go back to remembering all of this, relax and enjoy.

Good luck xx
Just want to echoe what Lynette said about relaxing. It really will happen when it's supposed to. I have been doing loads of things to catch my eggy but haven't had any luck so far. This month I really am going to be more relaxed. The only thing I am doing is taking pregnacare conception, royal jelly capsules and evening primrose oil. Other than that just sex sex sex. Though from experience you will be told to realax until the cows come home but it is only until you conclude to do that of your own accord that you truly will. Wishing you lots of luck on your journey. Xxx

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