pains, ...advice needed pls


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2008
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hi all i am new to this forum and wondered if you could offer me some advice?

hubby and i are ttc number 3, ...first cycle was 28 days, ...second was 33 days currently on third cycle (27th day)

i am not showing any af symptoms but i am suffering with really bad shooting pains in my abdo and up my (you know what) tmi i know sorry!!!!

also have shooting pains going through my nipples, although breasts are not sore as they are with pending af(which starts waaaay before af is due)

just not sure they are ov signs and it is just happening really late in my cycle?

any advice would be gratefully received, thank you
I get my ov pains in middle of cycle and they are normally cramping in the ovary area i only get it on right side.??? Bit unusual what your getting could it be period pains??
hi, my period pains tend to come on about a week and half after my boobs get really sore , and my af pains are more a dull ache across the whole of my abdo and back?
and i turn into the devil himself, lol nobody wants to be around me (including me lol) and no signs of aching boobs, pmt , choccy/carb craving, so just a little confused really.

periods have always been the same all my life, .....stupid female body playing tricks on me grrrr, lol
Have you tested? sounds like a symptom spot to me.

Good luck.
hi did a pg test this morning, bfn, also did a opk and was positive, which means i have been ovulating for about 5 days and i am currently on 28th day of cycle???????????????

cant wait for my clearblue monitor to come so i can try and keep track of things a bit better as my body makes absoloutly no sense at the minute.
antonia said:
hi did a pg test this morning, bfn, also did a opk and was positive, which means i have been ovulating for about 5 days and i am currently on 28th day of cycle???????????????

cant wait for my clearblue monitor to come so i can try and keep track of things a bit better as my body makes absoloutly no sense at the minute.

if your period is regular why dont you think about getting a ticker for your signature and that will help you at a glance know roughly where ya at on your cycle????
It sounds like you may be pregnant to be. I could be wrong but the sharp pain cold be implantation happening. Check your panties if you have any brownish-pinkish to yellowish discharge. If you have something close to that, it is an added sign of implantation. If you have recently felt like you are catching a cold with soar throat or stuffy nose or both, consider yourself almost 90% pregnant.
and i turn into the devil himself, lol nobody wants to be around me (including me lol)
<------ sounds like me!!! :rotfl: I have ovulation pain every month, i can feel myself ovulating. Don't take spotting around ovulation as gospel that you are pregnant as its normal to have a slight bleed during ovulation as the egg bursts out the follicle. It CAN be a sign but there are girls on here that have ovulation bleeds. I dont know if you are ovulating on CD28 though??? :think: Unless you are going to be extremely late for AF. Strange. I get sore boobs and shooting pains through my boobs during ovulation and sometimes with AF as well. Funny thing is that until the last few months i never did and this month is the only month recently that they havent been sore and uncomfortable :pray: they stay that way! I really am confused about whats happening hun, test maybe? Sore boobs was the one thing that indicated i was pregnant with DD because i never had sore boobs ever back then. Hope this helps... :hug:
hi all, thank you all so much for your replies,

have just been to the loo and have lost some pink m?????

if it ismy af, i have never had one like this EVER, so possibly could be ovulation just EXTREMELY late in cycle, who knows ,had a bfn this morning, so guess time will te
sooooooooooo frustrating, i hate my body, grrrrrrrrrrrr
I'd be tempted to say keep testing if it doesnt seem like a proper period.
:hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i know how fustrating it is, i feel simalar :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: hopefully it will sort itself out and u'll get a af or bfp soon :D
hi, the pink cm has now turned to a really dark brown, only there when i wipe (tmi sorry) still no other af af signs though,

so still waiting :bored:
Antonia, don't want to get your hopes up but that's a sign you could be pregnant!
well was losing brown cm through the day, ........and have just started spotting red :( looks like i am not pregnant and will probably have AF, soooooooooooo gutted as i have none of my usual af symptoms, even my hubby and ma are confused (as they have had to put up with my AFs for years bless them, lol)...........also hope i dont have afs like this every month as i like my warning signs as they give me chance to prepare, lol.

oh well, will just have to make good use of my clearblue monitor when it eventually arrives
ok, now i am confused, i bled this morning and it has now all stopped????? my usual af is extremely heavy and lasts 7 days (i am stuck in the house for the week with them)

really do not understand what is happening, read somewhere that it cant be IB as some of it was red, any suggestions ladies????????
It's possible that it's implantation, I think that usually occurs around 7-10 days past ovulation (I had it at 9-10 days dpo), fingers crossed for you that it is :hug:
hi all, well i now keep bleeding on and off(mostly in the morning then it stops?) which is very unlikely, but my PMT has now hit me like a sledge hammer, looks as though this may be my AF althoughit is a very strange one?
ok, i am still baffled, my (so called af) is still not right, i am bleeding when i wake in the morning, (stilll no where as heavy as my usual af) and then stops completely around midday, nothing all night and then starts again the next morning, really confused ,

boobs are heavy and sensitive but not sore

does anyone know why this could be happening or experienced similar
i have no idea but if you went to see your doctor they might be able to help :hug: :hug:
hi, i have just spoken to my gp who has told me to do a pg test in the morning, as my af is soooo different to how they normally are she thinks i may be.

so will test in the morning, fingers crossed though not getting my hopes up

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