Advice please - Threatened miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2008
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Hi all

I went to the docs on Monday and told him about my bfp's followed by slightly fainter pregnancy tests and bleeding. He said I could still be pregnant and made me take a urine sample. I got the results of the urine sample today and it's positive, but the urine was from Monday (I've been bleeding since Saturday). I went to see him this afternoon and he said I could be having a threatened miscarriage and I have been advised to rest. He didn't even consider a chemical pregnancy?

I took another preg test this afternoon and it was a faint positive. I have sore boobs, period pains (am having a light period) and am tired but I have no sickness or other symptoms. Would the line on my preg result be much darker by now - my first bfp was a week ago. Is it just hormones still in my body causing the positives and if so, when will it go? I am going away for the weekend on Friday and it's my 30th next week, so I need to know if I am pregnant so I know if it is safe for me to drink or not!

Any advice would be much appreciated!

Do you have an early pregnancy unit near you? If not go to A&E if you have had a positive test and are bleeding they will scan you to see whats happening.
Im sorry you are going through this :hug: :hug:
id ask for a blood test if they cant scan you just yet and they can see if your hormones are doubleing every 2-3 days or not
good luck hun :hug:
I agree with Sara you need to have a scan asap to tell you what is going on! I really wish you positive news :pray:
I would ask for a blood test to confirm HCG levels, im surprised the doctor never offered you this

Hope all turns out well. If i was you while i was still getting symptoms and BFP's i would steer clear of the alchohol :hug: :hug:
Ring early preg unit. I would have thought doc would have booked you a scan. Bleeding is very common in early pregnancy. I bled heavily for nearly 14 weeks and had a healthy baby.
Thanks for the replies - the doctor did say he could arrange a scan but as I am barely 4 weeks, it would be too soon to see anything. He said I would need to be 6 weeks before he could do this. It's rubbish not knowing, but I am going to stay off the alcohol until I know one way or another. I just wish my pregnancy test line would either get dark or disappear and then I would have a better idea! Why is it so hard?!!
Hi kele, it sounds like what i went through. Unfortunately mine didnt turn out good but that doesnt mean it will go the same way for you.
I was in total turmoil, i just wanted to know one way or the other what the outcome was going to be - unfortunatly no one can tell you what's going to happen and it's all a waiting game.
Only regular hcg tests right now can give you some idea - even poas testing isnt really going to tell you much.
If you can handle it I kept notes on my blog of what happened to me july/august, what i learned in the end was to not fight whatever was happeing as i couldnt change anything, and that realisation helped me in the end. :hug:
:hug: aww hun so sorry about all this for you i hope it all turns out ok in the end xx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I remember when I started bleeding at 6-7 weeks and was terrified.
I went to the doctors who called an ambulance as I nearly fainted but when I got there they checked my cervix which was closed and then sent me for a scan whick came bac fine so it does not always mean the worst sweetie.

Did they check your cerix?
If not get them to hun.

All the best xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks so much Morganuk :hug: They didn't check my cervix, but the bleeding has stopped now and I am still getting positive preg tests so I am just waiting to see what shows up when they do a scan at 6 weeks. It's rubbish not knowing if it's all going ok or not, I just wish I knew one way or another!! :hug: :hug:

Kelly xxx

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