Advice please - how to get body back to normal after stopping pill?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
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Hi guys, after receiving an announcement from my cousin to say she's pregnant today, it's really hit home about us not conceiving yet! Came off the pull after 10 years in January, am 26 and am really trying to lose weight (am a size 14).

I haven't had a period since Jan so I guess first of all I'd need to start those again before thinking about ttc!! I've bought some agnus castus and primrose oil but don't want to start taking them just yet as I want to wait a fortnight in case I am actually pregnant!

Other than relaxing, taking vitamins and eating healthily can any of you ladies suggest anything else I could do?

Hope someone can help :-( xxx
Hi Stressyhead, Hope you don't mind me hopping over from tri 2...but read what you wrote and wanted to share my experience.....

I came off the pill last year, was 27, and had been on it for at least 6 years, if not longer (cerazette was the one I was on - the mini pill). I was also about a size 14/12 and going to the gym 4/5 times a week to lose weight.

Exactly one month after stopping the pill I got my period and then from then on was ttc. I was tracking cycles using the clear blue fertility monitor (which tells you when you ovulate so you can BD at the right time) - on month 3 I conceived and now expecting my baby end of August.

My best mate was on the same pill as me, came off, got her period exactly one month later, and on month 3 she also conceived using the CBFM!!

There are loads of horror stories out there about it taking ages for your body to return to normal (google can be a bitch!) so just wanted to share my positive experience. Feel free to pm me of you want to ask any questions about anything.

That happened to me twice! came off pill to ttcno1 got periods back and cycle 3 got pregnant, then stopped pill to ttcno2 got period after a month and pregnant on cycle 3 - by will I be peeved if that doesn't happen again, lol.

I am taking Evening primrose oil since stopping pill and m using ov test strips to detect ovulation.
It took me 6 cycles to get pregnant after coming off the pill after 10 years, I think the only thing that you can do is relax and wait!! i got all stressed about it but now I realise it was just my body adgusting (im a size 16 btw)
The biggest advice I can give is not to stress about it. It took ,e ten months to get pregnant after coming off the pill (had been on it for 13 years!! It's amazing you spend your life worrying about getting pregnant then realise its not so simple!!
Take folic acid now and drink less, take care of yourself and most of all enjoy it and don't put pressure on yourself! We did for a while then since it was taking longer decided to book a separate girls and boys holiday as a last blow out. Funnily enough the day before I booked was when I got my bfp!! Good luck xx

I agree with Mrs Stewart, use this time that you are waiting to get your body in good shape ie folic acid, eating healthier quitting smoking if you do..

Everyone's body is different and takes different times to get back to normal.

If you find that AF is longer than usual you can take something called angus cactus which you can get from holland and barrets. You take this every day till ov then stop. This shortens your cycles.

If you dont knwo when you ov you should buy loads of cheapies online and just test everyday.
Thanks everyone for your replies :-)

My period hasn't come since Jan so I can't do chart or do anything like that as I have no idea when I'm meant to start (10 years of taking the pill means I have completely forgotten when my cycles were, although I know they were regular).

I've got agnus castus and primrose oil which I will start taking on 1st June- can anyone tell me their experiences of taking them, and how long it took for them to bring periods back?

I'm taking multivitamins, watching my weight and generally relaxing in the evenings (hard to do as I have a stressful job, but I do try!) I guess I could take separate folic acid too although I'm sure that's included in the vitamin supplemennts I'm already taking....

If anyone could advise us, we are really keen on getting pregnant soon :-( x
I didnt actually use angus cactus, although Ive heard alot about it, i dont know exactly how long it takes, it may vary.. Best person to ask is maybe the shop people in holland and barrets they are usually trained on that kind of thing for advising. Failing that you could do it the old fashioned way by noting in a diary every time AF comes and counting the days or buy a big bundle of cheapie opks and test every day until you see your surge? xxxx

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