advice on income suppoert and tax credits

MomNat said:
I'm not working at the moment (I walked out of my old job in October 2005 when I met Paul and haven't had any joy finding a job since then and i'm going to be a stay at home mum when the baby arrives in November) so will I be entitled to Income Support? My partner works about 38 - 40 hours a week and gets about £30,000 a year

if you live with your patner who will then be your husband i gather you will not be entitled to income suppoet coz he earns too much for you to be entitled to it.
beanie said:
I agree with Dionne. In an ideal world it would be great if all mums can stay at home and watch their children grow up but sadly we don't live in one of those.

most of the women i know who work full time and leave their kids in day care onlyy do it coz they want the latest designer clothes and a new pair of shoes every week and foreign holidays every year. If these women took stock of their lifestyles and put priorities in order most wold find they would be able to afford not to work full time.
Most of the mums I know who work do so to pay their bills. I work mainly to pay my bills etc and because OH is self employed and sometimes he does not have work so we have no income. My income is regular so at least I know we can eat that moth. Most of the time he does work so we are able to save up some money which we put to holidays etc.My priority is my daughter but I also want to live like I do and am happy with my arrangement.
but sadly there are women who do not put their kids first. Thier kids are marely an accessory. :( and i know too many like that.

of course their are the mothers who do need to work to make ends meet etc. :)
I agree there are some mums out there like that but I would say the vast majority of mums who do work do so for other reasons then a pair of Jimmy Choos and a holiday in Cuba.
:rotfl: i didn't actually say EVERY working mum Beanie. Im a part timer and i need to work - so im not having a pop at anyone in particular.
i work for Braydon i have spent hardley anything on me in 1.5 yrs anything i have left over at the end of the month goes into a saving account for me and Braydons future
budge said:
:rotfl: i didn't actually say EVERY working mum Beanie. Im a part timer and i need to work - so im not having a pop at anyone in particular.

no you didn't but you did say the majority of mums you know
oh for fooks sake . Ill just shut up.
Everything i say tonight you seem to have pounced on and taken in the wrong context.
you seem to have a stick up your arse for me tonight.
I just think at times you can be a tad blunt. Fair enough have your opinion but perhaps look at how you phrase it. I just think its unfair to say the majority of mums work for new shoes and holidays when you know that there are working mums who post on here. I have only answered two posts where you have posted tonight, rest assured I am sitting comfortably and there is no stick up my arse.
well im sorry you find me a tad blunt. Can you please back this up.
I was only expressing an opinion. it was not aimed at anyone on here. i know not what anyones occupation is.
Ive obviously hit a raw nerve or something though.
Your post about working mothers I felt was blunt. Like I said I know you were expressing an opinion, I was merely doing the same. I have only replied to two of your posts like I said, so your comment about how everyhting you have said tonight has been pounced on was a bit unfair.
Sarah_B's_mummy87 said:
ahhhh both into ur own corners and face the wall please

nooo, after watching Blair Witch I am never standing facing a corner, (not that I am saying you are the Blair Witch Sarah)

can I write lines instead
beanie said:
Your post about working mothers I felt was blunt. Like I said I know you were expressing an opinion, I was merely doing the same. I have only replied to two of your posts like I said, so your comment about how everyhting you have said tonight has been pounced on was a bit unfair.

my comment was not blunt. It was totally true in my experience. Everyone has different experiences. Thats what makes being on here so interesting and informative Beanie.
Im sure no one else was offended. It was a general comment about MY experience which i stated in the post.
and I agreed with you that there are mums out there that do so but in my experience the majority work to pay bills.
yes i know.
As i said i have obviously hit a raw nerve with you.
This is my lat post on this topic Beanie. Should you wish to take things further then do so. If not then let it rest.

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