advice on income suppoert and tax credits

Not wanting to take it further at all. No raw nerve was hit either. Happy to let it rest.
I work full time, I can't afford not to. I work so I can afford the basics in life, buy my daughter nice things, and not have to struggle to make ends meet-although some months can be like that.
I get great satisfaction knowing I am providing for my daughter! You need to work nowadays unless 1: ur OH is on a gr8 salary and u can afford not to 2: ur child is unwell but in othercases people should work. Why stay at home claim benefits when you can work like the rest of us..I'm sure most people would like to be a SAHM, but when you can't afford to-work!Sorry I have strong views on this one... :shakehead:
i agree with you.
i have to work to make ends meet ands pay bills. We aren't entitled to any benefits so my small wage is very needed. :)
budge said:
i agree with you.
i have to work to make ends meet ands pay bills and buy essencials.
We aren't entitled to any benefits so my small wage is very needed. :)
its unfair. id love to stay at home. And when i see people who could stay at home and raise their kids going to work to buy the next fashion accessory it makes me so cross.
But hey ho. Thats life i suppose. :) have to smile and get on with it.
i hate having to work and leave my kids but then again i do like to feel independant especialy being the main provider in our house :moon:

but i would be better of money wise if i gave up work claimed income support got housing benifits half price council tax and kris went on the dole

but me go to work to spoil myself, i wish. i aint been abroad since iv been with kris and asda and matalan is the best i get if im pushing the boat out then tescos
I can't believe momnat just asked if she is entitled to benefit when she reckons her partner earns £30,000 a year!!! Because you choose to stay at home doesn't mean anyone should hand you out some money!

My dh works and I stay home with my son for the time being but only because we can afford to at the moment. When the time comes when we need more money I will be out to work straight away. I never expect any benefit because I chose to have my son and it's my job to make sure we have enough money. I'm lucky enough to be able to stay with my son for the moment but I know there will be a time when we will need the money. I also want a job for a bit of independance as well. I adore my son but I'd love to have a bit of time where I can have adult conversation lol. I'm on the look out for even a few hours at the moment but I'm being a bit picky about it just because I have the option to be picky :lol:
The way I see it is you choose to bring a child into the world, it's your responsibility to bring it up and not the tax payer/government! :wink:
I think this is a very strong opinioned subject girls so just watch what you say yeah? Everyone is entitled to their say, but how you word it is what could cause offence.
no i don't.
What i do find offensive is the fact that my husband goes ot to work 7 days a week to support the spongers who live off the state. :(
Its not fair.
Deep breaths everyone - keep it friendly please :|
im not being unfriendl;y.
Why does everyone think that just cos you don't agree with each other its unfriendly? :think:
Okay - bad choice of wording - keep it civil please.
I didn't say anything directed at anyone did I, except be careful how you word things directed at everyone. If you choose to that take as aimed at you then I'm am sorry but it was aimed at everyone.
now im confused :rotfl:
I just hate arguments and bickering on here budge, I want everyone to be friendly. Some peope take things the wrong way. When you type messages you can't always get accross the tone of your voice, if your being sarcastic, light hearted or serious. Dya knwo what I mean?
I just don't want anyoen to take anything the wrong way and get upset.

Plus I feel a bit pigeon holed because I live off the state and stay at home for my son, but he isn't well so I guess it's a bit different. :think:

I still like you budge :wink:

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