Advice on a night out - how to tell friends not drinking


Jun 24, 2010
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Hi All

I am still in the very early stages of pregnancy and of want to give up alcohol completely. The problem I have is that I have a night out with a group of friends in 2 weeks time and a bit worried about what to say as I will not be drinking.

Of course I would love to tell them, but myself and Hubby decided it might be better to wait until a bit later on in the pregnancy first.

I just wondered if anyone else is in the same situation and what you have done.

Its a night away we are having, so no excuses about driving, and we all like to have a few drinks and a meal, so tryng to think of ways to disguise it.

Its so difficult, thanks :)
You could drink fresh orange/coke/lemonade/tonic water and say it has vodka/gin in it x or say that your on antibiotics and can't drink-or pain killers x
Yep the anti-biotics one is good one.
ive given up smoking and drinking....not easy on the smoking pat. but had a birthday on the weekend and just made it clear i cannot drink as im on antibiotics.
I used the antibiotics one but then someone said what for? lol. I came up with an infection in my wisdom tooth....To be honest i think they believed me but i couldn't believe how easy it was to lie woops!
lmao hahahahaha wow. ur a pro aye.
why do friends always ask.....mine was i had cystitis.
Thanks everyone, antibiotics it is and if they ask why, I might give them a gruesome story to serve them right lol! :)
yeah i would tell them something like you have a group strep b infection, found by high vaginal swabs. they wont ask anymore!! (all from experiance!!) soz if tmi xx
Put your hand gently on their arm, tell them you have been put on a precautionary course of antibiotics after you were bitten by a wild animal. that should do it. :-D
Just say its a wee infection, loads of ladies get them all the time, don't expect they will ask more than that, I'm doing the same at a wedding next week if the bride asks, I would love to tell her, but she will be drunk after 10 mins, and she can't keep a secret esp when drunk for more than 2 seconds, bless her she just can't help it
So when are people telling of the news? Its so difficult as I don't want to tell anyone as its early days, but its getting really hard not to tell anyone. Also I think paranoia has set in and I can actually see a little bump,or maybe i am not holding it in haha, would like to know what everyone else is doing :)
I had that this week with work. I said I was on antibiotics, was gonna say for kidney infection if anyone asks, cos that would explain any side rubbing with pregnancy pains! It worked fine for me. Good luck!

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