Advice needed.. pregnancy& new job

I had my 8 week scan the day of a training course and i just said to my employer that it was a hospital appointment that couldnt be changed as i had waited soo long for it and they were fine with that xxx
I agree with Loula, tell them it's a hospital appointment, they have no right to ask what it for, but they can ask to see proof of the appointment, so you can always ask your doctor to confirm it in writing without saying what it was for....if that makes sense?!

Hope that helps!

I'm in a similar situation, just started a new job and found out I am pregnant. As long as you didn't know about it at interview stage then it's ok. If you know at interview stage, or when they offered you the job I think you are supposed to declare it.
Hi there. I work in HR for an NHS organisation. All public sectors have to make sure they don't discriminate anyone and especially women for maternity or race/religion. They are the best and most winning cases at Employment Tribunals. As you will be working for a local authority, they will follow the same guidance as other public sectors which is based non discriminatory attitude regardless of age sex race religion etc... And because it's a fixed term contract, there is no need that they will treat you any different to a permanent employee because this will against them. Believe me from my 10 years experience in the NHS, they will not either sack you or not stop your fixed term because you are expecting. As this job is in a public sector, there should not be any probationary period anyway because that was scarpped many years ago hence the lengthy recruitment protocols to be successful for the post. However my advice will be to wait until you've had your first scan and passed your 1st tri and then let them know. They will only appreciate if you let them know sooner than later because so they can make plans for your replacement. I hope this is helpful and don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have. Good luck xx
If you've already been offered the job, then they cannot by law withdraw that on the grounds that you're pregnant. However, a lot of companies are very clever and can find ways around this - making out there's another reason for withdrawing it etc, so be careful.

You don't actually have to tell your workplace you're expecting until your 25 weeks (unless your job poses a risk to babys health then its best to tell them asap, but again, not legally needed).

Because you will be 10 weeks by the time you start work with them, this will probably not make you eligable for SMP, but you would be entitled to maternity allowance, so keep that in mind also. I'm currently waiting for my maternity allowance to begin :)

Good luck with everything!

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Thanks for the response ladies.. I've decided I am going to tell work afterall I mean they offered me the job before I knew I was expecting.. I'd not take any risks for me and my baby xxx

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