advice needed please


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2005
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sorry mods if this should be in health section just wanted some quick advice :(
think i may have a water infection :(
symptoms sorry if tmi
loo every 20 mins
feel like i need to go constantly
pain in lower belly
smelly urine :oops:
am downing water and cranberry juice to try and flush it out of my system is there anything else i can do or is there something i can buy from chemist to help really dont want to be poorly over xmas
please help xxxxxxxxxxx
It does sound like a water infection, but I really would suggest calling nhs direct as we're not doctors.
Do you get the feeling you need to pee but you don't really? If so, its probably just a chill around this time of year.
thanks hun just went on the nhsdirect website and it said probably uti treatable at home drink lots of fluids and to buy treatment from pharmacy see doctor if symptoms persist after 3 days but didnt actually tell me what to buy from pharmacy and i didnt want the embarrassment in a busy pharmacy of explaining symptoms :(
any idea of what i would need to buy??? xxxxxxxx
I don't know.. but I get them the odd time around this year and I never buy anything, just drink alot as you already said. Try to go to the toilet and let out every tiny drop (lol) even if it is annoying.

A water bottle helps too believe it or not..
I think you have to ask the pharmacist as there are various things that can be taken and they are the best people to advise you based on what you tell them and what they sell. Its medical advice and I'd not be happy advising you what to take, even if its over the counter stuff.

Really, don't be embarrassed about asking them. Its why they are there. Just go to a pharmacy outside of your local area if you are really worried and you need never see them again.
thanks all will pop to pharmacy now and see what they say xxx
Sodium citrate (or potassium citrate)- I swaer by the stuff for UTIs. They releive the symptoms within minutes.
Just ask for cistitus (sp) sachets. You disolve them in water and drink them. I used to suffer a bit when I first met my OH. Hope you feel better soon :hug:
cymalon, canesten oasis or their own brand in the pharmacy (dont worry i work for Lloyds pharmacy heh)
Failing that... you can try drinking a spoonful of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water three times a day.. its an old remedy, but its cheap.. :) My mum swears by it, but it makes me vomit... :puke:
Squiglet said:
Failing that... you can try drinking a spoonful of bicarbonate of soda in a glass of water three times a day.. its an old remedy, but its cheap.. :) My mum swears by it, but it makes me vomit... :puke:

lol, i told my mum to try that a few years back when everything else she tried didnt work........ and she couldnt get off the toilet for 2 days :rotfl:
thanks all i went to chemist and spoke to pharmacist he said it sounds like cystitis sold me powders i have to mix with water they are foul :puke: told me to go to doctors with a urine sample if not better by monday as if the powders dont work i will need antibiotics :( other than that to take paracetamol and drink plenty of fluids oh and to see doctor straight away if pass any blood or get any pains in my back xxxxxxx

p.s. now have the poohs from all the cranberry juice ive drank today :oops: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Aww hun hope you get yourself sorted for Christmas :hug: :hug:


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