UTI ????? - Boooooo!

Mama 2 Be

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2008
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Went to Doctors this afternoon because I'm 100% sure I have a UTI, had the usual symptoms, burning when weeing, urinating more than first three months and cloudy urine (sorry TMI :oops: )

Dr said everything I've said is a UTI (Booooo) but upon testing my urine said there wasn't an infection?!? :think: Could it be that I had drank LOADS of cranberry juice and water before doing the sample and therefore flushed it out a bit? :think:

Still, she checked me over by feeling my bladder and kidney's but no pain so she then told me to take the sample to the hospital tonight so it can be checked over the weekend and she'll have the results on Monday. Which I have done.

She has prescribed me Amoxicillin 500mg (she said was safe to take with baby) but said only take them if the symptoms get worse. What's your opinion girls?

1) Do I keep downing glass after glass of water and cranberry and see if the symptoms get worse OR
2) Start taking the antibiotics to get them in my system sooner rather than later and continue to down water and cranberry (Don't really want to take them if its not necessary but rather that than the infection spread to the kidney's and possibly cause premature labour)?

On a different note this Dr has just replaced my previous one and I just have to say how pleased I am with her - I couldn't ask her to be more thorough. :D
Im sorry i cant offer any advise other than ive been getting symptoms of UTI and everytime i get it tested there is nothing wrong :think: :hug: :hug:
I get these all the time and had one while I was first pregnant as well! If you can avoid having to take antibiotics, it's probably best, as your body will try to fight the infection itself first and any antibiotic will kill not only bad bacteria but good bacteria as well - it doesn't care. If it helps, a teaspoon of bicarb in a glass of water will help you feel better pretty quickly, even tho it tastes like blech, and keep drinking loads of water. Hope you feel better! :)
See this is why I post here - you girls put my mind at ease in 30 seconds flat! Thank you :clap:

I never knew other people were having the same signs but no positve test phew! Just another fun aspect of pregnancy then!

I did read that if you take antibiotics you should have live yoghurt as well to put back the good bacteria. However, I'm going to give the antibiotics a miss at the moment and play it by ear. Have been to Sainsbury's and am stocked up on Cranberry so I'll probably turn into a watery cranberry by the end of the night.

Thank you :hug:
Mama 2 Be said:
See this is why I post here - you girls put my mind at ease in 30 seconds flat! Thank you :clap:

I never knew other people were having the same signs but no positve test phew! Just another fun aspect of pregnancy then!

I did read that if you take antibiotics you should have live yoghurt as well to put back the good bacteria. However, I'm going to give the antibiotics a miss at the moment and play it by ear. Have been to Sainsbury's and am stocked up on Cranberry so I'll probably turn into a watery cranberry by the end of the night.

Thank you :hug:

Oh, wait wait wait on that cranberry! Anything you get from Sainsbury's is going to likely be full of sugars. In order to beat a UTI, you need PURE cranberry juice, the kind you get at the health food store that needs diluting in order to make it drinkable (I like it, but it's an acquired taste b/c it's not sweet at all). Stay away from any sugar b/c bad bacteria feeds on sugary things. Also, if you do end up taking the antibiotics, don't eat the yoghurt until afterwards, otherwise it won't do any good. Yep, UTIs are good fun! :lol:

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