Advice about timing and anyone else in 2WW

Here we go again then!!! Cycle 3000... (well not that many, but it feels like it! :wall: ) I have 13 days left until I am due my AF and I feel its going to be a loooong 13 days!!! Baby dust to all x
Hi all, how are you all doing? Up for some phantom symptom spotting?

After feeling nauseous 5 dpo, I felt better yesterday, though queasy when running (but it was a big hill, and any excuse to walk!) and again in the evening. Then this morning (7 dpo) I felt very nauseous, nearly :puke: in the shower (well, better there than on the cream carpet in the bedroom I suppose).

In my mind, this can mean only one thing. The start of ...

... gastroenteritis! :rotfl:

Anyway, yesterday I had a massive urge to clean and paint, as I posted on the chart stalking thread, and sure enough it's given me LOADS of symptoms that I can pretend could be pg-related - stuffy nose, sore throat, backache, etc. DH has absolutely no sympathy! So not much point me guessing symptoms because I can find a perfectly reasonable explanation for every single one :lol:

How are the rest of you doing? And isn't the tww dragging?

Hi sammy, best of luck to you.

And wishing for baby dust for everyone!

well my 2WW ended last week, still no sign of af and a few bfn's!

god knows what is going on, loads of baby dust to everyone!
Yeah my fella has no sympathy for symptom spotting.... He makes a joke out of anything when I say "maybe this is a sign?" i was convinced the 2 weeks of unbelievably sore boobs (to the point of "eye watering") would result in a BFP but NO! This was a symptom last time I was pregnant but I guess this time it was a symptom only for my AF :wall: lol @ kittykins and the gastroenteritus, ha ha. Lets hope not! I do hope if and when I get my BFP that I skip the morning sickness again (mind you just getting pregnant would be a start!!! What date is anyone testing? Im due AF 10th November and always right on time as only been late a few times (once a week and a half!) Its not normal for me though so anything 1 day late i start to get excited!!! :D
:wave: I've just nabbed a cherry choccy bar if thats ok! Yum Yum.

Am too in the 2WW. I think I'm 3/4 DPO. Going to try my hardest not to symptom spot this month as I was convinced last month that I was definately PG and I wasn't.

Have had two sessions of reflexology this month. At the first one she said my hormones were all over the place but last week they weren't as bad but still not right. Going again on Thurs. It is so relaxing.

How's everyone else?

Sus x

help yourself - the good thing about a virtual box of chocolates is that it's always full...

I'm on 8 dpo now. STILL feeling queasy. It can't be a pg symptom though as I've had it since 5 dpo, and there was no possibility of being pg then. Don't know what it is, but it's really annoying me now!

No other symptoms at all. Nil. Zero. Nothing. Nada. Rien. You get the picture. Early on I had twinges down the side of my breasts, but that went - I guessed that was to do with ov anyway. It's come back now, but that's because I went swimming at lunchtime and got more competitive than my current state of fitness should allow!

I am still drinking a LOT of water though. But that could be anything.

I've tried symptom-spotting, even though it's still too early, but I really couldn't find anything :? Give it another couple of days and I'm sure I'll be able to invent something - if I'm not in hospital with gastroenteritis by then! :lol:

I'm testing next Wednesday, a week tomorrow, if AF stays away. I don't really know when it's due - the last few cycles have been 33 days. If I go for Wednesday, it's 16 dpo, and CD 34, so I should get a definite result one way or the other.

How are the rest of you?
Can I join the choccy party ladies? I'm 1DPO at the min so still a loooooonnggg way to go :roll:
Yeah bring on more chocolates.

I'm 5DPO and randy as hell so did a OPK in case I had OV again, but nothing, must just be randy, intending to jump on DH later.

Did someone mention chocys?

6 DPO and patiently waiting :fib:

OK, not patiently :wall: why is this 2ww so hard?

Been :puke: for the last few days and my temps are not too bad ....... just waiting to be brought crashing back to earth when AF arrives :shakehead:
Hi ladies, 2 dpo today I think although my temps are rising really slowly..... :(

I hate this TWW (I'd stamp my virtual feet if I had any!!!)

Got to have CD 21 blood test this month but I will only be CD18 - need to phone doctor as I am sure you are supposed to have the test at 7dpo and not necessarily 21 days...... Any advice from people who know better?

Dont think this is our month though - had a chemical in Sept and an early miscarriage in Oct so think I may have to wait a while for my body to get back to normal..... Bedding like mad just in case though so got one very happy DH!! Little does he know once I get my lines on FF its all over!! :D

Loads of baby dust for you all
I nearly :puke: at the mention of chocolate then. Far too early in the morning!

Well, one more day along the road... reallyoldmum, at least you ov'ed early this cycle, I didn't ov till CD 18, and it felt liike a 2ww before starting to BD (was waiting for that temp rise as anxiously as for a BFP!) and now another 2ww!

Funny how once you start TTC, your life gets split into blocks of around two weeks, separated by 3 or 4 really good days or 3 or 4 really bad days... I nearly wrote 'CD 26' on the date line for the milkman's cheque yesterday :rotfl:
Ooo ROM I'm 2DPO as well, hopefully we can get our BFP together :pray:

I feel rough as a budgie's arse today. Don't feel sick but as if I'm going to get a cold. Though if I'm honest I've felt like this on and off for a few weeks LOL. Just wish the cold would come or leave me alone :shakehead:

Kittykins I know what you mean about living your life in 2 week blocks, it's driving me mad. But when I look back I can't beleive it's November tomorrow already :shock: At the time it feels like forever but now looking back it's flown by this year.

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