Help! Think I messed up with opk and timing

Tina & Gabs

Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
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Hi everyone

I am a bit worried that I have messed up this month :( and would appreciate yout thoughts and advice.

I got a positive on the opk on day 24 (the test line was the same colour as control, if not slighter darker) and I got a + on day 25 (the test line was darker than the control line)
We bd on day 21, 24 and 25 but I didn't realise that you should bd for 3 days after a +.
Would this be 3 days from day 24 or 25? What are my chances?

I have been having a few symptoms and I did feel like something was happening a few days ago but now I feel really negative and that I have missed it :(

I am due to test this weekend; I did do one a couple of days ago which was far too early!

Thanks :hug:
It doesn't necessarily mean you've missed it hun. You bd'd over the times when you were just about to ovulate so there would have been some nice swimmers already and waiting for your egg!! ~ apparently sperm can live up to 5 days in your tubes to fertilise.

I only managed to bd the same times as you and not on the few days after. I always tend to try and bd on the 3 days after the last +ve but hubby's not been feeling too good.

Let's keep it x'd that we caught it this month! :pray:
Thanks Hannah

Praying that we caught our eggs this month :pray:

Good luck :hug:

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