'accidental' co-sleeping?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2008
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every night when i'm burping zach after his feed, we both end up asleep; him led on his tummy on my chest. he always sleeps so much better like this, last night he only woke up once!
but is it dangerous? i've got a huge bed & i lie right in the middle of it, so if he was to wriggle free he'd have a long way to go, i don't smoke/drink and i wake up every noise he makes but i always wake up after sleeping like this feeling really guilty that i'm risking his life or something!
dont feel guilty hun i didnt plan on co-sleeping but i accidently co-sleep every night, i start the night with good intentions but jack comes in with us about 5 :wall:
if it means u get a bit more sleep hun i would do whats best 4 u and your LO xxxxx
i've had isla in the bed with me quite a few times when she has been ill and not settled etc, i think its completely safe provided you follow all the guidelines...i never move a muscle when shes there, i think you are very aware even when asleep.

There are quite a few full time 'co-sleepers' (thou it should be called co-awakers!) on here i'm sure someone will be able to give you the full guidelines.
I co slept with my first but didnt want to co sleep this time, however I found I was falling to sleep with LO in a chair whilst feeding, which is protrayed to be quite dangerous.

I had a chat with my sis about it as i was frustrated at my inability to cope with staying awake and she said what would be better sitting up in a chair and being so knackered I fall asleep accidentally in an awkward position or we sleep together where we can be comfy I can feed without any rigmarole and will prob snooze lighter as a result so would be easier to wake/be more aware of any problems that may occur

That made sense to me.
I didnt think i would co sleep either but after the 2am feed he just doesnt settle well as prefers being with his mummy. I really do beleive that your instincts wont let him come to any harm so just enjoy being with your LO and dont feel bad.

Claire x
I think the only probelm with having LO sleep on you is the risk of overheating with your bodyheat. I co-sleep full time but Cooper sleeps beside me and always has. I'm always aware of where Cooper is and the pillows and covers etc are no where near him. So i wouldn't be covering you both up with the duvet or anything like that.
i don't cover him up. i have the duvet up to my tummy, and nothing on him. thanks ladies :)
If done correctly it can actually benefit baby - and mum too as research has shown that co-sleeping mums get more sleep and better quality then mums who don't. C0-sleeping rocks :dance: :dance: :dance:
i do a mix of both.
i put amelia down to sleep in her cot next to my bed when we go to bed. if she sleeps then great, she will probably stay in the cot till 7-8pm.

if she wakes during the night she'll come into bed with us and stay the rest of the night led next to me.

sometimes she wont settle in her cot (like last night) and she'll spend the whole of the night in bed with us :)

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