Absolutely totally gutted


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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Just had my 36 week appt (at 37) looks like I'm going to be waiting a long time for baby!
He's right up under my ribs and even the midwife was shocked how high he was and made a comment about how I must be struggling to breathe (and theres me thinking it was normal!) I asked if he's engaged, he's no where near it!
My bloods were lost at my 34 week appt so they had to be re-taken but she wasn't that worried as my iron levels have been perfect throughout, blood pressure was fine too.
Not even a sniff of a birth plan was discussed, she just asked who I wanted at the birth, checked that they wouldn't panic and said ignore my plug if I loose it (!) just wait until contractions are 5 mins apart.

Just feel a bit crappy now!

Also forgot to say when she was checking baby's heartbeat took her about 5 mins to find it! Scared the crap out of me. Turns out I was having a braxton hick at the exact moment. Glad I'm getting them but could do without the panic!
Oh that's pants :( u never know he may drop one night and surprise u all!

Ah no thats not great. But like Larlybelle says it may happen quicker x
how about starting to bounce on one of those balls to get him into a better position??
Aw sorry you had a crappy time, Mine moved down just one night (i felt it) and since then have been crying from the hip pain- i would rather wait and the baby just do it all at once so dont be too upset because there are crap sides to everything. He could just move down one night and be born a day or two later!
Hope something starts for you soon x
Oh pants...sorry to hear baby is nestled in your ribs, that must be so uncomfortable. Hope he turns for you. That's weird they haven't done a birth plan yet....when's your next appointment? Xx
Same here my boy just disappeared one day. I'd been carrying high for weeks with lots of rib pain. Then one day whoomph and he's in my pelvis and Ive swapped rib pain for hip pain. It can happen really quick do don't get too disheartened :hug:
He's not too uncomfortable to be honest! My appts not until 39 weeks!

Try bumpy car/bus journeys to get him moving? Really hope he shifts down for you soon hun.xx
That's really crappy hun. Have u tried getting on all fours for 10mins at a time? That's supposed to help get them into position. Re; the birth plan, i have never discussed mine with any of the mw's or consultants, i've just written it myself and printed out a few copies to give to the mw's on the day. Have u written urs yet? xxx
:hugs: i agree with the girls, he could move round one day this week and then you go into labour not long after. xxx
Aww don't be disapointed hun, babys move positions so quickly and un expectantly! x
Hey hun,

I had a similar appointment today. Just about to post, but know what you mean about feeling deflated. Hope baby moves down for you.

Glad I'm not the only one! (gosh that sounds terrible! You know what I mean tho?)

Don't worry chick, when I went to hospital alt 36 weeks with pains the doctor scanned me and said that I wasn't in labour as the baby was still high up and not engaged. Only the mw checked me to find out I was 3cm dialiated and in labour :O she didn't drop till later on. With this pregnancy I've been engaged since 32 weeks and the pain in my hips is leaving me in agony :( xxx

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