Absolutely heartbroken.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2016
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Hi ladies.
I knew this month was my month - I knew I was pregnant but the tests were either faint or BFN. 9 days late. Then I thought I was out Saturday PM and I wiped and there was blood. I just assumed AF showed her face. I woke up Sunday morning in a puddle of blood with the most horrific pain I'd ever been in (still am in). I was taken into A&E where they took bloods. They confirmed by HCG levels that I was miscarrying. I have miscarried at 5 weeks and 2 days. I am heartbroken. :'(

I'm so sorry Hun, and it is truly heartbreaking...a lot of us on here have been through the same, so you are not alone, and we are all here to support you.
Hi Meg, I am so sorry - it is so tough, a number of girls on the forum including myself have miscarried in November so although it's little consolation we know what you are going through, sending you a virtual hug, look after yourself xx
Hey Macbeth. I'm so sorry for your loss. November does seem to be a bit of a horrid month for a few of us here. I have suffered a chemical this month and even just those few days of being pregnant is enough to shatter your heart into a million pieces when it goes wrong isn't it. Big hugs to you. X
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I'm so sorry lovely ♡ It's the most heartbreaking thing to go through, I certainly never understood how upsetting it is until it happened to me. Look after yourself the next few days, have a few days at home with your OH just cuddling. Sending you lots of love xxx
Really sorry to read this. Make sure you take care of yourself and take things 1 day at a time xx
So sorry :( I also miscarried today. Its truly heartbreaking. Take care of yourself. Sending hugs x
I had a chemical this month too, after a miscarriage in August. I'm so sorry.

Hopefully 2017 will be a much better year for all of us.

Sending lots of hugs and positive wishes your way.Such a horrible thing to go through. We know how you feel Hun xxx
I am sorry to hear this ladies.

I am sorry to say that I am 11 + 2 right now but I have however suffered 10 miscarriages in as many years so I do know what it feels like.

All I can say is that it does get better (I promise) but you need to take things are your own speed to recover and it will happen for you soon xx
I'm so sorry hun, I had a miscarriage 28th of September, I went through a really low point and am only just starting to feel a bit brighter now. Be kind to yourself and take time to grieve. Hugs to you, it's one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with emotionally. I literally cried at the drop of a hat. xx
Hi hun I had a mc beginning of Sept at 5.5 weeks. It's an experience I wouldn't wish on anyone and I couldn't stop crying..remember you need to grieve don't bottle it up inside. Xxx

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