

Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Emily is driving me insane!!!!! She won't sleep and it screaming constantly!! Ive tried calpol and teething powder because I can feel one of her top teeth cutting through! Nothings helping!!!!!!

I am completely there with you. Last 2 days Oscar has woken up fine and then gone crazy crying.

Tuesday he went nuts in the morning just crying and crying and trying to shove both fists in his mouth. Until then I didn't know if it was teeth or not, he didn't have a temp and I checked him over and he physically seemed fine, then he did the fist thing and pulling his ear so gave him calpol and put him in the pram and pushed him around for dear life lol, he finally calmed down and managed a 20 minute nap.

Then yesterday thought he was ok til the afternoon and then the same thing, this time though he was crying for almost 1.5 hours, calpol did nothing, teething gel nothing in the end he just seemed to sleep through exhaustion then woke up after an hour screaming again. I was so drained and just hate not being able to help him.

So far today he's ok but I'm on alert, just wish at least 1 tooth would cut through. He's got all the top front and now it seems bottom two front ready and waiting but nothing as yet.

You are not alone on the sleep thing, Oz wakes throughout the night, we co-sleep so it doesn't help that he wants milk from me in the night, but I think it's the teething that actually wakes him to start with.

Come oooooooooon teeth lol
I've heard Anabesol is good! When Drake Is teething I give calpol, teething powders and Bonjela...normally works!

Hope she settles down soon hun xx
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Nufofen really help when Tegans teeth are playing up x
I have anbesol (sp?) and when Odhrán would let me actually get it on his gums it worked.. I feel for you chick it can be very hard x
Oscar is the same at the mo. Bottom 2 teeth coming through and he screams morning til night. Drives me insane. Poor little baba's :(
We are in the same boat, C is now sleeping with an Amber necklace on, he's been wearing it all day but hasn't noticed yet lol, it's a last resort as nothing else has worked and im absolutely exhausted!
Oscar has a necklace. He wears it all the time. Dh tells me he's screaming cos I put jewellery on him lol!
I can't remember if babies get a temperature when teathing, anyone know? maybee Devon hasn't got a cold etc causing him to be all the symptoms your babies are having, mabee hes just teathing?

He is grissling all day, has a temperature, keeps waking , wimpering like hes in light sleep all the time, off food. He does have a runny bum, which I know can be a sign of teathing

Hope you ladies get a break and some rest soon
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I think they can have a slightly raised temp when they're teething, can you see anything in his gums?

I know I'm expecting too much too soon but the necklace doesn't seem to be doing much! We've been up since 4:15!!
OMG took me til 10pm to get Oz to sleep last night. He went to sleep of normalish time of 7.30 and then woke up after an hour, not upset or anything, quite happy and wide awake and gurning like one of them old old me gummy gurner blokes. He just would not sleep. He was gurning right up until he dropped off lol, was so funny but I felt so bad for my baby coz it was obviously teeth annoying him.

He was quite good in the night to be fair but pleeeeeeeease can't these bloody teeth come through quicker coz I'm knackered!
We were up at 2.30 then again at 5.45! Soooooooo tired!!!!

How long has she been like this in the nights Erin? Normally when Drake is teething we get restless nights for 2 days before teeth come through.
How long has she been like this in the nights Erin? Normally when Drake is teething we get restless nights for 2 days before teeth come through.

She's normally fantastic at night! She went through a bad patch a few months ago but apart from that it's only the odd night!

The tooth has cut through her gum now so hopefully that's it!!??


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