HELP!!! Please?!?!?!?! :(


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2007
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Ryans been crying on and off for 3 hours now and the last hour he has been constantly screaming!!! i cant do anything to settle him, he wont take his dummy, ive tried giving him calpol but he's crying to much so he just chokes on it instead, Ive just left him screaming on my bed otherwise i would end up screaming to!! i dunno what to do with him!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
have you checked tyo make sure there is nothing digging into him,causing him discomfort etc? Could it be teething?Is there someone else who could just sit with him for a little bit to give you a break? Sorry so many questions.

When my two seemed to cry for no reason I used the tiger in the tree hold and walked round the house with them. pic
Hes just wearing a sleep cuit and hes laying in the middle of my bed so that cant be hurting him and ive tried cuddling him, walking around with him, bouncing him, giving him milk, bonjela, teething powder etc etc but he doesnt want anything :(
I havent got any one else that can take him or help me out :( :cry:
has he got a temp or is he lookig like he is hurting anywear,i.e. pulling at his ears??
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Does he need some extra feeding at the moment? Hope you are ok :hug:
Can't really help but don't want to read and run. Hope you managed to get some sleep. We've been having a lot of the same thing, James is really upset but doesn't want anything, it's horrible but I'm hoping it's just a phase.
He fell asleep around 2am and slept in bed with me, hes his fine happy self this morning so god knows what was wrong with him!!

loz: Hes been having a bottle every 3 hours and wouldnt take one when he was crying, he has one meal a day also so nothing was different so i dunno what was up with him lol

beanie: nope he wasnt puliing his ears or feeling warm or anything he was just laying there crying and nothing i could do, not even cuddles would settle him so in the end i just left him because i as getting so stressed out and he wasnt crying any more or any less with me not being there with him so i thought for my own sanity i need to leave him so i can calm down
glad he is ok. You did the right thing hun :hug:
littlepip said:
He fell asleep around 2am and slept in bed with me, hes his fine happy self this morning so god knows what was wrong with him!!

loz: Hes been having a bottle every 3 hours and wouldnt take one when he was crying, he has one meal a day also so nothing was different so i dunno what was up with him lol

beanie: nope he wasnt puliing his ears or feeling warm or anything he was just laying there crying and nothing i could do, not even cuddles would settle him so in the end i just left him because i as getting so stressed out and he wasnt crying any more or any less with me not being there with him so i thought for my own sanity i need to leave him so i can calm down

Do you think he might be ready for more meals? :hug:
i started him on 2 meals a day and he kept gagging and would randomly throw up all over himself so i cut him back down to 1 meal and give him finger foods and hes been fine
i think it was just a random off night when i posted this as he hasn't done it since, maybe it was his teeth??
Just wanted to say you did so, so well littlepip, its soooooooooooooo darn hard when your baby gets like that and nothing you can do stops them and no-one;s around to help, so glad you came here for some support, you did the right thing, and I am so glad to hear he's been fine since. Sending very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:

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