A-Z of stretchmarks. Light relief

Ooh no! I must have a V! I am very prone to stretch marks and I must have a name for all of them.

I will probably go through the alphabet three times by the time they have all arrived!

Not having a good day hormonewise. Thought Sami was calling me Yolande and then couldn't work out which letter was next :roll:

Zippy :D
Hahaha bless you Louise!! (Yolande :wink: )

I do sit and take a little longer to work things out these days ....

What now - do we start again?!
I was just blessing you in the post about Urchin's picture changing at the same time that you were blessing me about Yolande :shock:
LOL :lol:

Okie I'll start again - hopefully you won't have to use them all though Sarah!! I've named the ones on my bbs and have run out so this is for my benefit too now :wink:

A = Andrew
Ok :lol:

For the benefit of people with more than 26 stretch marks. (Extremely likely to be me then), we'll go round again!

Mind you, how am I going to work out which one is which? :?

I struggle to work out what my own name is these days. lol (pregnancy brain)

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