A thread to help each other :)

I had a Mr Whippy the other week, and it didn't taste right (to me not that there was something wrong with it as we all had one) but that keeps happening where I will get excited about eating something, and then my taste to it has changed.
Am only staying away from prawns cos the only time I've had a bad time with takeaways is after having a prawn curry lol xxxxxxxxx
Aspartame's another one apparently - in ALL diet drinks, yoghurts etc..................... great.
Apart from the ovaltine (I would personally rather poke myself in the eye than drink the stuff lol) I have probably had just about everything on these lists before I got my BFP. I know it's more that if you carry on having them but it's still a worry lol. Oh and just to let you know drinking lemonade out of a champagne glass on my birthday just wasn't the same :roll: xxxxxxx
Oooh runny egg sarnie.......*drools* I was gutted when I found out I couldn't have runny eggs anymore....So not fair!!!
Also I hope that 99er's from the ice-cream van are ok bacause I had one the other night....ooops :oops:!!!

MW told me to try and stay away from pure fruit juices because of the acidity and also fresh pineapple should only be eaten later on in pregnancy as it's supposed to bring on labour but is bad in early pregnancy.

Chelb13 xxx
honestly we would never eat or drink if we listened to everything we are told!!!!!!
Hi ladies,

one of you asked about mayo on greggs sadwiches etc. Mayo is ok as long as pasturised (which is always tends to be unless fresh from fancy restaurants). Greggs mayo is def ok.

Whippy ice creams from vans not ok due to risk from lack of pasturisation .....but if u want a whippy ice cream, mcdonalds ones are fine - they pasturise their whippy ice cream especially for u lovely mums to be.

Happy pregnancies ladies - such a special time x x x
I am using the NHS website as my bible on this stuff (I even keep the links on my iphone so I can check when I'm out and about!).

There are three pages I've found most useful:

1. Why should I avoid certain foods during pregnancy? http://www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/917.aspx?CategoryID=54&SubCategoryID=130

2. Foods to avoid: http://www.nhs.uk/Planners/pregnancycareplanner/Pages/Carewithfood.aspx

3. The section specifically about fish, including what to limit to twice a week (tuna, salmon etc), what to avoid (shark, swordfish, marlin) and what is fine (cod, haddock, and more): http://www.nhs.uk/chq/Pages/should-...-of-fish.aspx?CategoryID=54&SubCategoryID=216

Thanks Karen, i love greggs and was alos wundering about mcdonalds milkshakes. I swear super paronia setting in!!
A question - can i have a bath in detol? Not like i do it all the time but i love the smell of it and it makes me feel lovely and clean :) Freak i know!!
Thank u everybody for adding to it xxx
I got an oveltine in my bounty pack with my first. I love sandwich meats too, had no idea with my 1st I shouldn't eat them.
pmsl, please someone else tell me thats normal? Nopppe just me then hahahah, xx
cashew after reading all that on the web sites i think i might just not bother to eat :) xx
:( i have drank loads of pure juices im addicted to the stuff, maybe i will stop, this page is useful :) xx
I dont know charlie i thought juices were healthy :S so confusing xx
Thanks Karen, i love greggs and was alos wundering about mcdonalds milkshakes. I swear super paronia setting in!!
A question - can i have a bath in detol? Not like i do it all the time but i love the smell of it and it makes me feel lovely and clean :) Freak i know!!
Thank u everybody for adding to it xxx

Oooooooh I love a dettol bath - or we actually had savlon baths - same thing - lovely..........................
Yes thank u kerry!!! Glad im not on my own there haha, dont u feel so clean afterwards :)
Claire i thought it was aswell, i drink loads of the stuff :(

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