Avoiding morning sickness

lingering is the perfect word

i am taking ginger capsules

oh man, taking the pre-natals

that is tough....eating is the key...im off virtually everything
:puke: Yep, these things only seem to help when it's not so bad. Man have I got it bad this evening- my OH smelt his socks as he put them in the wash basket and I had to leave the room at the thought of it! Yucky yucky yuck. You're right, taking the pronatal pill has to be very carefully timed doesn't it?

Groan- off to nibble a cream cracker in a room with all the windows open!

It helps to think of us all feeling spewy together though- group hug for the spewy ladies (just don't hug too tightly!)

Great post :D

I've found that eating little and often really helps, as soon as I feel a slight hunger pang I eat something, even just a biscuit.
Also for me at the moment drinks have to be ice cold!

I've heard that ginger stops the 'spasms' you get when you feel sick, only what I have heard though.

It's such a weird feeling being so hungry yet feeling sick at the same time!

My sickness is definately getting better though which is a relief :)
nothing seems to be working really :( I feel sick all day and really have to force myself to eat. eating makes me feel more sick, lol. It is a vicious circle!

I am trying dry table water crackers and the occasional ginger biscuit, can't see too much of an improvement though.
I hear you girls!

Anyone feel like the more preg they get the hungrier they are? Its like Petal is telling me when to eat, when i wake up my tummy growls SO BAD!!!!

Well im back off to work tomorrow so Petal has to be a good little embryo!

Sharne said:
Anyone feel like the more preg they get the hungrier they are?

Definately, we're probably all going to give birth to greedy little babies! :lol:
Yes I get so hungry! Especially mid morning. Though when I do eat I don't want much and I've usually eaten too much by the time I realise that if you know what I mean? I'm drinking lots of milk too and have gone off some stuff already. The body is so strange isn't it?

I can;t have milk, for some reason it doesnt agree with me now im preggo :(
Hi thought I'd share if thats ok. Ginger is a general one whether it be ginger ale, biscuits, or the crystals. Eating bland foods ie plain biscuits, toast with little or no butter etc. This time for me the only thing that worked with the nausea was the preggipop sweets but it became quite expensive.

Saying all of this, I think if your body is gonna be sick then there's little you can do- I'm 24 weeks pregnant and the sickness has come back. Nothing I'm doing it is stopping the sickness right now.
is being sick awfu with m.s, i just have the queasy feeling...im quite scared, a bbit sick phobic.

cheese is my substitue for milk, i can face it either, milk makes me feel ill

I feel less alone knowing we all feel the same....i will be at 6 weeks soon, it hit me 1 week ago and i know it is going to get worse :? argh!

good luck girls and lets hope we have a few hours nausea free or a few days would be nice.
is being sick awfu with m.s, i just have the queasy feeling...im quite scared, a bbit sick phobic.

cheese is my substitue for milk, i can face it either, milk makes me feel ill

I feel less alone knowing we all feel the same....i will be at 6 weeks soon, it hit me 1 week ago and i know it is going to get worse :? argh!

good luck girls and lets hope we have a few hours nausea free or a few days would be nice.
Gee i still feel awful, but again im sure its a reminder of my little miracle...

And omigod everything STINKS SO BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does anone have a funny tste in theirr mouth btw?
I was SOOOO ill with ms.... I used to find drinking vast quantities of ice cold water was the only way I could stop vomiting. I tried... ALL of the techniques, from ginger ale, ginger buscuits, bananas, sea sickness bands, glass of milk, small regular meals, toast, rich tea buscuits, anti sickness pills (safe during pregnancy), pregnocare tablets....

I think if you've got it.... you've got it.... I had to admit my ms was much worse this time with a boy than with my daughter... at least with Tia I could drink ginger ale and feel better.
Oh yes... and smell.... OMG... I could tell what DH had eaten for lunch 6 hours later... He thought I was creepy... I had a constant metallic taste in my mouth too... dunno why though...
I've been suffering with nausea constantly i've found boiled sweets do help but the nausea is always there.
Last night I actually :puke: properly for the first time i think i've got to 8 weeks and it is kicking in now i'm sure.
I've also got that horrible taste in my mouth it's driving me mad
OMG, that taste in the mouth, it's 'orrible!!!

Also, I am finding myself so thirsty and nothing seems to quench my thirst unless it's ice ice cold...what's all that about! :roll:

im with you girls

feel like i have flu come a bug....awful sickly weird taste,,,want to be sick as the feeling is awful, does being sick bring relief ?

im really struggling tonight....needing a big hug but oh not being sympathetic tonight....at least my scan showed bub to be ok

roll on seconf tri for a million reasons
hey :wave:

I havent actually been :puke: but feel it quite often and its only the smells of things which turn my tummy and I feel sicky when Im hungry.

I read the best thing to do is eat, doesnt matter how small or big its just that you feel most sick when oestrogen is churning on our empty tummys and makes us want to :puke: Im nt sure this is gospel but it works for me. As soon as Ive eaten it goes away :D

I have been so ill today - been sick about 5 times and got sent home from work :(

I feel rotten and nothing is working - even drinking doesn't help

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