Thanks ladies
I am loving being a Mummy and I am so in love with Galen and still cannot believe we made him
I'm in awe of him and my feelings for him just leave me without words.
Not sure how well I am doing tbh. OH tells me brilliantly, but lack of sleep has made it hard going. I can function on the most basic levels when this tired, but with the hormones going haywire also it made for a real drama queen who lost the plot often and had no idea why
I feel much more even keeled today though, having had 8 hours sleep finally.
And Quill, while I was prepared mentally for much that happens after giving birth, it was and still is tough going often. But getting much more manageable.
There are some things that no amount of reading, talking about and hearing of can really prepare you for though. I'd not really thought about the incontinence issue as its not something I'd expected to be so bad (for me at least, others may have far less woes with their bladder) but I'm hoping it will keep improving but its slow. But in other ways I've been luckier than others so I guess it evens out.