A Polyp??


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

So I had my ultrasound and internal examination yesterday and I called up to check if everything was ok. The nurse called back and said everything was fine apart from they found a small polyp on the lining of my uterus??
She said nit to worry and if this doesn’t clear after my next period then they will have to remove it.
I am so scared! Has anyone got any idea what this is and is it a major thing? I can’t think about anything else since the nurse told me this :S any advice?
Hi Jazmine

Lots of women have small polyps inside the uterus and they get pregnant and have babies without any difficulty. Its only when you have a miscarriage (or several in my case) when they start to look into whether the polyp is causing a problem. I have a large polyp that they think may cause problems with me (most likely now though it is because I have low progesterone and the polyp isn't causing any problems!), I've had a hysteroscopy (to look at it with a camera) and then an operation to remove it, which unfortunately didn't work as they did it incorrectly (don't worry, this is very rare!!) but neither were that scary just a bit uncomfortable. To be honest I would think they just leave it if it is small xxx
Hi Sarah,

Thanks for the reassurance I was going mad thinking here on my own!! Hopefully they will be able to remove it...I have never been pregnant and am trying at the moment.

Its just scary when they tell you something and then say dont worry because your instant reaction is to worry like a mad dog lol....

So have you managed to get your removed? xx
No they can't remove it unless I have a bigger operation where they'd have to cut into the lining of the uterus quite a lot - noone thought to check this before my first and second operations! My doctor at the moment says he doesn't think it will cause anymore problems as now thinks my miscarriages were caused by other things.

Remember yours is very small and they are incredibly common so you probably won't need to have it removed.

I know what you mean though - they tell you not to worry then all you do is worry! My doctor told me weeks ago I have a borderline positive for something and they had to re-test, I'm still waiting for the results!

Honestly, don't worry I am sure this probably isn't a problem, and even if it needs removing its only day surgery. Have you been trying long? xxxxx
so you went through all that and didnt even remove it - i dont know how you put up with that! Some doctors/hospitals are better than others I suppose so sometimes it depends with who you get stuck with.

You have really put my mind at ease about the whole thing - im just going to carry on as normal and not even think about it.

We have been trying for just under 2yrs and nothing - so i thought it was about time we did something about it ratehr than sit and wait. Our GP referred us over in October and within 3 weeks I had m appointment with the gyno. So things are moving pretty fast....hoping to start Clomid in January if my blood test and Xray tests come back fine.....fingers crossed.

How about you how long have you been trying for? xx
Hey we have been trying for about 2 years also, unfortunately I have PCOS and have had several miscarriages. The NHS have been really really bad though and missed a lot of stuff. We aren't going to put up with them making the mistakes in surgery we are going to complain but don't want to do it just yet as we are still having treatment! We will do it once we either have a baby or go down the adoption route. I was so angry when they told me it was still there after the 2nd time.

Its good that your scans came back normal, have you been tested for PCOS or anything? Once you get to see a specialist they will look into everything for you and your partner. Your situation will probably be like mine with the polyp - they never say never with things like polyps but it is unlikely they affect anything. I still believe however because mine is large that it does cause problems along with everything else I have. Sometimes I feel like this: :wall2::wall2:!!!!!
Keep us posted on how you get on, its good to have buddies in here! xxxxxxxxx
hiya....Yeh I agree with you there wait until all treatment is over and then complain to your hearts content! I dont think I have been tested for PCOS - what tests are done? my cycle is normally 35 days, but mine are all linked with stress - the more stressed I am the longer they are :(

The one thjing that gets to me the most is having the hope and then every month you shatter because nothing happened and then slowly the hope fades.....I try not to think about but you just cant help yourself and you are right it is like banging your head against a wall!!!

Definatley keep in touch and you also keep me posted on your progress - Good luck with it all I really hope you get your BFP very soon :)
Hi Jazmine, my cycles used to be 35 ish days too, sometimes longer sometimes shorter. Because I've lost weight and changed my diet etc and started clomid they are shorter now. There are blood tests (hormones) and scans for PCOS - ask for these doing as I didn't know I had it for ages and it could've been diagnosed when I had gyno problems at 19 rather than 7 years later! Good luck to you too, feel free to message if you need advice or just a moan xxxxxxxxx
I had a fibroid which is a bit like a polyp & that was in the uterus. Apparently its vanished as they can shrink so am wondering if a polyp can do the same ( shrink ) it depends where about in the uterus it is ? if its no where near the ( Pod ) area where implantation happens then it wont be a problem but i guess they mentioned removing it incase it can be a problem if it grows. Do you have heavy periods ? polyps & fibroids can make your periods heavy. I suppose its good that its been found, cause now they can sort it out for you hun. xx

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