a poem for you ladies in labour or nearly there


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2010
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by L D Redmond

In the comfort and darkness
I hear the beating of your heart,
I feel the love you possess
the excitement and need for my life to start.
I feel safe here, in my own world,
in the solace of velvet
and the warmth of you
but soon it will be my time to bloom,
and I will see you very soon.
How can I not wait to greet you?
For you have nourished me
protected me,
in my distant place
you consoled and soothed me.
And now, my tiny soul must emerge.
I am precious.
I am new.
I am Unique and true,
innocent and pure
like a Pearl
washed upon the salty shore.
The tide is flowing, ever pushing,
bringing me closer in waves of emotion
from my secure and distant ocean.
I hear your cries!
Do not cry.
For I am coming.
New life will be born today,
and I can see the way,
to be ever closer to you.
I am here.
In your arms,
Feeling your gracious touch
the whisper of your gentle voice,
a flutter of a hearts rejoice.
Oh, you love me so much,
You hold me carefully,
For I am precious.
I am new,
I am Unique and true.
And I am your Pearl,
created, in an Ocean of Love.
That is just truely beautiful - thank you for posting :hugs:
I am going to pinch that!! sat here crying reading it, absolutely lovely!!
Wow that made me cry what a beautiful poem I may well print that and hang it on the babies room!!
I've just found this again and I'm sitting here crying :)


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