A message from Rach


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
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Rach has contacted me this evening with some very devastating news, and has asked if I can pass the message on to you all.

When Rach went to the consultant's appointment on Wednesday, they couldn't find her baby's heartbeat and a scan revealed that her baby had died some time between 33 and 34 weeks. The contractions that Rach had experienced since Monday night were slow labour, and Rach gave birth to her beautiful son Jamie at 6.26pm on Wednesday evening, weighing 3lb 12oz.

At the moment they are awaiting a post mortem to try and determine what happened, and they are also making funeral arrangements.

Rach sends her love and well wishes to everybody, and sends thanks for all the support she has received from everyone on here during her pregnancy. When she is ready to face things again, she will be back to see how everyone is doing but in the meantime, as I am sure you will appreciate, she is not ready to chat to anybody yet.

I am sure you will all join with me in offering our deepest sympathies to Rach and her family at this heart-breaking time.

OMG rach i am so so so sorry hun

i know nothing will help u now but if u ever need to tlk my msn address is on the bottem
oh hun so sorry i cant imagine what you are going thru take care xx
OMG, My thoughts and love are with you and your family at this time.
I can't really find any other words that would be suitable.
Rach, you are all in my thoughts. It is so unfair and something that can't be made sense of. I hope that you will soon be back on the forum as we will miss you.
Oh Rach. im stunned. i dont know what to say.
im so so so sorry to hear your terrible news. Iam thinking of you darling.
God bless. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Rach, I am so sorry to hear of your loss and you and your family etc will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Tan x
Rach there are just no words babe. Hope you are OK.
I'm so so sorry Rach....I really can't find the words to say.

You and your family are in my thoughts....

I'm just really sorry for your loss, I'm absolutely devastated for you and I can't imagine the pain you must be going through.

I can't find the words appropriate enough, just sending out my deepest sympathies.

Take care of yourself...we're all here for you when you're ready to talk.

Sending much love and big hugs

Sam xxxx
Oh Rach,

I honestly don't know what to say so i am not going to try, but my thought are with you and your OH.

To Rach & family

I'm really sorry to read of your sad and terrible loss.

You are in my thoughts and prayers,

Lucy xx
Oh rach honey I am so so so so very sorry. I am absolutley devastated for you and can't even begin to imagine what you are going through. I am sending you my love, hugs and prayers and hope to hear from you again soon as you will be very much missed.

All i can do is send you my love.
i am so sorry there is nothing more i can say.
Oh rach, I really dont know what to say. Im so, so sorry for your loss.

Thinking of you and sending big hugs.

Rachel xx
Rach i'm really sorry for your loss, don't know what else to say you have a lot of people here for support when you're ready.

You and your family are in my thoughts.

Take care hun

Manda x

I am so sorry for your loss, cant even begin to imagine what you are going through

Thinking of you and your family!

Love Kelly
I don't know what to say. My thoughts are with you and your family at this devastating time.
OMG, I've only just read this.

It's utterly heartbreaking. I'm so so sorry.

Thinking of you and your family at this devastating time.

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