A little worried :/


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2011
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Can babies be too overactive???
At my 12 week scan baby kept jumping up and down throughout, the sonograher was trying to check the back of the neck for signs of Downs Syndrome but couldnt find out in the end because babba was being very uncooperative lol.
At my 20 week scan the sonographer was trying to check the face for a cleft lip but again baba wouldnt cooperate and wriggling around so much, although she did manage to get a look and all was fine.
But I also went for a midwife appointment yesterday and she was checking heartbeat, but she struggled to get it as she had to keep chasing baby around for it. When she did get it though it was nice and strong.
I can really feel baby moving at night time too, not so much during the day but i'm struggling to sleep.
I'm so happy and relieved that baby is moving a lot as this is reassurance that baby is okay...But is it possible for baby to get caught/tangled up in the umbilical cord? It just randomly popped into my head last night and i ended up worrying about it all night :/
Also my step-dad so lovingly suggested the baby might have ADHD after watching some documentary last night, which was nice of him!!! (Not!)

Anyone know much about it?

didnt want to read and run hun, I never in my 38 years heard of this doesnt mean its not out there...but maybe you could ask your midwife on your next visit? I will do research and find out but a very interesting question all the same... although may be not for you as youre worrying :-/ hope you get a better night sleep xxx
....do you eat or drink a lot of sugar??? that could be a reason? found that on google xxx
Tbh i've never really had much of a sweet tooth, i have two sugars in my tea but i dont eat many cakes,sweets or biscuits etc. More a savoury person. Obviously i'm so happy there's movement but i dont know whether its possible to get tangled up in umbilical cord :s xx
I expect its a good sign tbh., nice active baby, although they might keep you on your toes when born!

What about caffine? do you intake much?

Or had a thought, what if your baby has currently got it's sleep patttens in the night matching yours? is he/she active at night? My baby was always awake all night it seemed and so I got little sleep (between loo trips!! ) and maybee yours is in the day, so wide awake at all of your appointments ?

Or what time were your appointments? If I had eaten lunch ,baby would seem to pick up a little while after as the food must have been going down , making my tum bigger and making space less for baby

Just some random ideas from me for you to think on.... ha
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Well i feel loads of kicks/movements at night time when i'm in bed, keeping me awake! lol. My appointments have mainly been early afternoons i think. But maybe all the prodding and poking has woken baby up!?
will research about the umbilical cord tomorrow and report on what i find xxx
I don't think it would cause any probs Hun! My mum said I never kept still when she was pregnant with me I did wrap the cord around my neck twice but That was during the birth and they whipped it off quick he he

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