We have a naughty one on our hands!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2011
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Well I'm back girls!! Didn't go very well. Baby wouldn't cooperate and stayed in the wrong position the whole time. Even went for a walk but it wouldn't budge!! They couldn't check anything they needed to and pretty much had its legs crossed!!

Have to go back in 2 weeks to try again. Lady said she is 70% sure its a girl but wouldn't put money on it.

Here's our naughty little monkey!! Bit disappointed but at least I get an extra scan!


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awww lovely picture and another chance to get a scan... 3rd time lucky eh xxx
Ah bless - like you say extra scan! My 20 week was similar, but eventually co-operated. they also said to me they thought we were team pink, but couldnt be sure - we went for a 4d scan on fri and we certainly are team pink! Good luck for the next scan xx
aw, sorry to hear that. Bet it can be a bit deflating after everyone else on here goes on about how good their's was.
Not to worry though, extra scan coming your way! Means if that one goes ok you can reward yourself/baby with a big pressie!
aww cant believe your LO didnt cooperate haha bless, but at least you get to see the lil monkey again :) fingers crossed all goes well in 2 weeks and they confirm you have a lil girl :) xx
Oh Bless your LO, cheeky monkey, clearly want's all the attention again. xx
Yea can't help but be a bit disappointed. But at least I get to see it again. Was hoping to go buy a nice little outfit but guess I have to wait!!
Beautiful picture, love the button nose! At least as you say you get to see your LO again in two weeks xx
Ah naughty little monkey. At least like you say you get another scan. Gorgeous pic xxx
Ahh how annoying, but I bet it was still amazing to see your baby again, fingers crossed for next time! x

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Naughty bubba :), hopefully he/she will behave next time I will keep my fingesr crossed :)

Sorry you didn;t get to see much but bonus another scan yay :)
Least u get another scan, hope ur not too upset xxxx
Nah not upset. Just got to be patient for a bit longer!! Not very good at patience!! Ha ha
Aw naughty lil'un! Still, it's good u'll get to see baby again in a couple of weeks!
What a little rascal lol.
Sorry it didn't go as planned hun but I bet the 2 weeks will fly in, and hopefully baby co-operates next time lol xx

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Beautiful picture! At my first scan the sonographer had trouble to get our little monkey in the right position took her nearly 30 mins! all i could do was giggle though! i know i am gonna have a trouble maker.. going to take after his/her mummy and daddy lol. Wouldnt surprise me if the next sonographer struggles too xx

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