A little O/T...

I remember a girl going round a few boards saying she was pregnant or she had kids. One days she'd have 2 kids and be pregnant the next it was 3 kids and one on the way. One day they were all prem then they were all over due. I dunno what was going through her head :shock: She used to come on here as well but not gonna mention the name because she doesn't go on any boards anymore after another one outed her as a liar. Was upsetting for all the people who sent her flowers when she'd said her son was born prem and might not survive. Some people are either really sick to make it up or something isn't right with them.
I suppose each person that does it will have a different situation, like the woman dionne mentioned, that is fully understandable, but people that just make up lies for attention is sickening, especially when there will be people on the forum that has gone through whatever lies they are making up you know?
I just dont understand some people. Reminds me of my OHs 'friend' who said she was pregnant then said she had an abortion etc... :x makes me so angry at the thought. I cant stand liars :x
lol I bet everyones paranoid now about people thinking they are fake, I know I am when i visit that other board but i'm just glad I have pics to prove i'm me!

Even though I havn't done so on some of my belly pics, please watermark your photo's especially pictures of your baby, scans have your name on though but some people prefer to block it out so watermark them too, you don't know what loony could be trying to pass them off as their own on another board.

Yes, it is very sad that people would fake a pregnancy, you ask why? It's mainly teenagers who are bored so decide to make stuff up to get some attention, or it's people who want babies and can't have them etc...But it affects other people too, like on the other board there's people asking people to pray for their weak little babies who are prem and they get alot of response wishing them well etc, but there's always one person who will notice holes in their story then this upsets some people when they realise how silly they have been to believe it and how much they have prayed and thought about this baby who doesn't even exist... :?

Fakers usually make up 'twin' or 'triplet' stories, so on the other board if there's a genuine twin pregnancy they get alot of greif until they can provide proof of their pregnancy :? shouldn't have to be this way!
Jade89 said:
Yes, it is very sad that people would fake a pregnancy, you ask why? It's mainly teenagers who are bored so decide to make stuff up to get some attention,

:roll: :roll: Clearly only someone in their teens would be immature enough to make up something to get attention. But then again in all the cases of this sort of thing and the people that have been found out, well none of them have been teenagers, quite the contrary, much older people.
yes true, the much older people tend to keep it going for longer rather than the teens they just join the forum and post a birth announcement/story straight away but moderators can find them out coz they usually create multiple accounts and the i.p address would be the same for each account.
Of course, the older people are smart enough to keep it going longer, unline younguns. Right so along with their IP address their age pops up? And its always the teens...Funny that, Teens, so damn annoying and immature ey? If something like that ever happens, dont worry, its most likely just another stupid, immature teenager. :x
:shock: i'm a teen lol...

i never said it's always teans but most of the time it is you get the odd couple who keep it going for ages with the prem stories etc who tend to be the older ones probably...

teens will admit they r teens but make a big deal about being 15 and pregnant which brings alot of bad attention and they always turn out to be fakes by changing their story alot.

Edited: Cassi, i'm not sure what your trying to say coz it's hard to tell when someones being sarcastic or not when typing, but i'm not steriotyping teens in any way, i'm just saying that it's teens that mostly do decide to fake on forums and most of the time admit they are teens, like saying they are 13, 14, 15 years old and pregnant but they always turn out to be faking it all. But the two stories i read reciently, seemed to be from older women, one was about her son who was a premature baby and he weighed 2lb and was taking a turn for the worst and asked people to prey for him, then posted a pic claiming it was her baby, who had no tubes and was too chubby to weigh 2lb, then she admitted it wasnt her pic it was her cousins but she thought she would post it coz it looked like her baby...ok...then...! and the second fake was about a lady who had twins and they were also in a bad condition and was asking people to prey, but someone caught her out by noticing holes in her story...! :?
So am I, hence my responce to that post...i feel it was steriotyping teens. and to be honest if you are a teen then that dosnt make it much better.
membrane sweeps are not so bad. And they are worth it in the end if it avoids any other sort od induction

oh dear i was in the wrong thread. :shock:

sorry for interupting.
I have never ever seen a case like that turn out to be a teen and there was a whole site i looked on a while back about people that had been caught out on american sites and not 1 of them was a teen
well what i was trying to say is that the ones ive seen admit to being teenagers, i wasnt just assuming they were.
tbh i wouldnt beileve someones age if they lied about been pg.

HAHAHA budge!!!
well you never know, but if it sounded like i was steriotyping teenagers i'm sorry coz i wasnt, i'm just talking abour fake threads ive read where people admit to being teens weather they are or not, im not gonna automaticly think 'shes not a teen' if the person who posted says 'i'm 13 (or 14 etc...) and pregnant...like i said, i never said they were ALL teens, but its more than likely that some are.
Well i have stated my opinion on the matter and now im just leaving it, I am now off to eat my pizza and watch Tv like a proper slob!!! heheh

However im sure most of my pizza will be stolen by the kittens that are already sniffing the box :think:

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