A little help please on mc x

Like the others have said it depends.

I had a NMC in September last year at 7 + 6 and I bled for a week, I'm also convinced I had another one in December but it started at the time my period was due i'll never be sure but I bled for 6 weeks.

Hugs to you its blummin horrible.
Hi Vicci, really sorry to hear that. I went through it in June at 11+1 (scarily, I'm 11+1 again as a I type this :-o )

Mine happened very quickly, I had some brown spotting the night before which stopped them everything happend quite quickly at the hospital the next day. Mine was classed as a complete miscarriage as all they could see when I finally got a scan was a couple of clots. Anyway, following that, I bled for five days and got +HPTs for two weeks until finally I got a negative. I ovulated two weeks ish after the (about five weeks after it happened) I did get a little bit of help at the hospital, they pulled some clots out.

I hope that's been some help. I also hope you start to feel better soon, it's hard but you'll get there - oh and one other thing, allow yourself to grieve xxx

Hi when they scanned me the next day they found some of the last bits so had to have the pills to help the rest cone away sorry for details its just helpful to go over it I was in a lot of pain after that but I'm getting better now still just tired xxx
Sorry for being thick but what is hpts and will I have to do more test xxx
HPT - positive pregnancy tests, I don't even know if I used the correct acronym, sorry! It took a few weeks for my hormone levels to return to normal. Hope you're ok, I know how you're feeling xxx
HPT - positive pregnancy tests, I don't even know if I used the correct acronym, sorry! It took a few weeks for my hormone levels to return to normal. Hope you're ok, I know how you're feeling xxx

Thank u so much for ur help I can try again in 3 months but would like to lose some weight first as I think it will help as the mw told me to take aspirin and then I was told not to take it till after 12weeks so I don't think that help me so want my bmi a bit lower as its 39 and I don't want it to be that high x
I was told to wait one full cycle, but I planned for two. I did manage to get pregnant after that, but it wasn't sheer luck, I tried everything, Pre-seed, soft cups, OPKs, the lot, such was my desire to get pregnant again. I will say though, that I think I was less ready emotionally, than I thought as I'm a nervous wreck this time so I think three months is sensible.
I think you're wise waiting and if you want to lose some weight then there's no other goal like a little baby at the end of it all to help :) I don't know much about the aspirin thing, no one told me that. I was just kind of told "bad luck, off you go" :-S
Thinking of you xxx
Are they all test u can do don't think I want to go though this again and I think after Christmas will be nice but will see how long it takes x
Pre-seed is a lubricant, quite expensive but meant to help the little swimmers get to the egg. The soft cups are like a diaphragm and actually meant as a tampon alternative. They are like a little cup you insert (in our case, after the event) and it closes over the cervix keeping the swimmers in there. Who knows if any of it works but I tried it all! OPKS are ovulation predictor kits, clear blue is the best as when you ovulate the pee stick gives you a smiley face, so you know for sure.

Thanks for all your help you've been a star in answering all my questions Hun xx

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