A little excited

Good luck Chaz :) I'll just have to check on my phone :good:
Thinking of you today hunny, god I really hope its good news xxx
Good luck!! Hoping for a happy update soon!
:( its a BFN.

Still no sign of any AF tho, no cramps, and i just have white CM.....pffffft!! CD30 now xxxx
hmmmmmm :think:

As they say your not out until the witch arrives hunny ... could still be to early for a test.

I can't believe I missed this! Keeping everything crossed for you hun. X
:hug: Doesnt mean that you're out! Fx your hormone levels just aren't high enough yet.
Ive got myself another test for tomorrow morning :)

If this isnt it im gonna be so angry with my body for playing tricks. Id got back into a fairly regular cycle!

Cervix felt low and felt the knobbly/ opening bit this morn....now its high and hidden again. Still just white CM, no AF type CM.

Anyone experienced with the cervix? Ha ha!

Arghhhhhhh! xxx
I'm rubbish with cervix, but ever since I got my bfp I've had discharge that started off creamy and got more watery as time went on. I now look like I've peed myself if I don't wear a pad tmi! So thing cm is a good sign :)

What DPO are u now chazza? Ive been looking at peoples results they been getting them really late!!

Lots of :dust:


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