A complete beginners guide, please!


Jul 29, 2008
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Hey everyone and thanks for all the lovely welcomes to the forum! I am after some advice and thought you ladies would be able to help. I need a complete 'idiot's guide' to what I should buy for the baby before it comes along. So far I have the following:

5 packs of newborn nappies (27 nappies per pack) - my husband thinks this is plenty (no, he thinks it's too much!) but I think I should keep buying a pack every week with my shopping. Your thoughts?

2 packs of breast pads (how many am I likely to go through?? I believe it's a scary amount...)

And that's it apart from a couple of bibs and 2 baby grows.

So, can I have a list please, with quanitities/recommended brands - treat me like the complete novice I am, he he!! Am planning BF if I can but someone suggested getting all the bottle stuff anyway as I will need it eventually.
Thanks for reading if you've made it this far!!

Stormie xx.
Ok real basic list

(there is always so much to buy if you are tempted but I go for the minimal approach and some savings for stuff i decide I will need when LO is here)

Pram or sling
Car seat
Cot or moses basket, mattress, blankets and sheets.
baby bath or support for normal bath.
changing mat
few baby grows, vests and cardis in new born size and more in 0-3
No more nappies in new born, get next size up.
breast shells are fab if you intend to have a few EBM feeds
steriliser and bottles (only get a few if BF)

Brands are personal choice I wouldnt go for very expensive for things have a look what you can get on offer at places like boots and supermarkets
Try this link. It should give you ideas on what things you need depending on your circumstances. Other than that there is a great list in the back of the Babies R Us catalogue, although some items are really needed.

No idea about nappies, I only have one pack currently but we hope to try cloth nappies at some point. From what I hear you will be changing your newborn about 10 times a day so sounds like you have plenty.

I also have 2 packs of breast pads, I will send out OH for more when required. Maternity pads I have about 6 packs but will only be taking a couple of packs to the hospital.

As far as clothes go, I bought a bundle off ebay (60 odd items for around £30) as they'll grow out of them so quickly. Also I haven't bought any newborn stuff just 0-3 as I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a bigger baby.

Oh I have a Tommee Tippee breast pump which comes with a bottle, but got this free as my sister sent it to me.

Essentials wise I would say car seat and something for the baby to sleep in (with bedding). Other than that you can buy as and when you need stuff. Remember you may get lots of presents from family and friends too :D
Thanks for the advice, girls. I'll have a look at the link and see what it says!

With a breast pump would you recommend electric or manual? Don't think I'll buy one til I know I can manage but the electric ones seem really expensive?!

Stormie x.
I'd personally skip buying any bottles or steriliser before baby arrives. Call me stubborn but when LO arrived I figured if I didn't have all that in the house I'd be more likely to tough it out. And tbh I don't think I'll ever use a bottle now, not even when we move onto solids. I plan to use a feeder cup and breastfeed.

As for lists, check out Mothercare website as they have lists for the things you'll need. You can work out from that pretty much. Common sense and don't get carried away.

Re nappies, I'd not buy masses of newborn or only one brand as we found that a) newborn nappies barely fitted our LO when born (10lb baby) and b) we had Huggies and they were crap, our LO leaked out of them. Also had Nature ones and didn't like those either. Took us 5 different brands before we found one we liked and didn't leak etc. So don't throw money at them in case they don't suit your LO.

Re clothes, in the early months don't buy masses of outfits. They hardly get any wear and its so much easier having baby in sleepsuits and vests rather than mess around trying to get on trousers, vest, top, socks and so on. Plus saves loads of laundry which in the early weeks is a real bonus.

Get a couple of tops and trousers and so on but don't go mad is my advice. Don't bother with tiny baby shoes as not needed and not good for baby feet. Get a warm cardi or coat if having a winter baby.
Mildly said:
Oh I have a Tommee Tippee breast pump which comes with a bottle, but got this free as my sister sent it to me.

i got a tommee tippee breast pump in tesco the other day, half price! was only £12, and came with a free sterilising box & a couple of disposable breast pads.
Hey lovely, hope you are well x
I have bought so far:
1 pack of newborn nappies (I find Tesco nappies the best, dont know about the other brands)
Lots of bibs
A few sleep suits
A few hats
A warm winter coat
I have lots of bottles although i do plan to try breastfeeding. I didnt get any with my daughter and when she wasnt able to feed i ended up going to Tesco on the day we got out of hospital to buy the whole caboodle when all i really wanted to do was go home!
Moses basket and lots of bedding
Car seat
changing bag
Changing mat
scratch mits
cotton wool balls
Breast pump
bouncing chair
play mat and play gym

Erm i think thats about it apart from bits and bobs, need to sort out a baby bath and steriliser then i think im more or less done!
you can never have enough bibs!!!!!

ditto what Sherlock said about the outfits. In the early days I stuck to baby gro's & vests. Baby clothes are so fiddly and the amount of times you need to undress them means the easier the better...oh and they pooh on their clothes :lol:

I also ditto what Kerrygold says about Tesco mat pads. Stock up on these babies! They were brilliant. I used tons and at only a £1 a pack you cant go wrong. Id get lots as you dont want to be walking out for those and you never know how long you'll need them for.

Other handy items to have:

Muslin cloths are great, I highly reccomend getting some of those. Id get a bottle of Infacol incase your baby has wind or is colicky. Better to be armed with these sorts of things. Also Nasosal for babies with stuffed up noses.

A grobag egg thermometer - briliant for keeping an eye on the room temp

Milk powder dispenser - if you are bottle feeding.

Lots of socks - baby socks have a habit of disappearing :doh:

you can never have enough bibs!!!!!

I have loads (about 30) and i recommend asda 10packet for £3 as they have plastic backs so clothes dont get wet! Calum can be a messy little thing :D

Also loads of burp cloths (£1.50 for packets from QD)


small towels to put under his head when in crib incase of accidents! (sick!) easier to remove a towel than change bedding at 2 or 5am!
Jollypops said:
you can never have enough bibs!!!!!

I have loads (about 30) and i recommend asda 10packet for £3 as they have plastic backs so clothes dont get wet! Calum can be a messy little thing :D

I've never used a single one with Galen yet! I got given about 10 and they are all still in the cupboard unused :roll: I use muslin squares for mopping up dribble, milk and sick. Bibs would be more faff to get on and off so don't see the point. I breastfeed and find it far less messy than bottle feeding tbh.

I know I'll use some when I come to weaning in a couple of months but all the ones I have atm won't fit by then :roll: :wall:
Sherlock said:
Jollypops said:
you can never have enough bibs!!!!!

I have loads (about 30) and i recommend asda 10packet for £3 as they have plastic backs so clothes dont get wet! Calum can be a messy little thing :D

I've never used a single one with Galen yet! I got given about 10 and they are all still in the cupboard unused :roll: I use muslin squares for mopping up dribble, milk and sick. Bibs would be more faff to get on and off so don't see the point. I breastfeed and find it far less messy than bottle feeding tbh.

I know I'll use some when I come to weaning in a couple of months but all the ones I have atm won't fit by then :roll: :wall:

Jeez, I dont know what Id do without bibs, especially plastic backed ones. With James teething there is just one constant flow of dribble running out his mouth. Id never be able to mop it with a muslin. I looked on the table the other day and there was a puddle of dribble from him :rotfl: his clothes still get soaked too bless him
All mine were dribblers too! Either that or they were sick haha I always had a million bibs too!
Just think of the absolute basics of what a baby needs!

Somewhere to sleep so a crib/ moses basket etc, so blankets and sheets to go on them! ( I recommend getting a fair few unless you want to be washing constantly lol)

Food! Obviously if you can BF then your set but if for whatever reason you cant then about 6 bottles (some people have less but I always found 6 was right for me) A steriliser and a bottle & teat brush!

Clothing! Babygrows and vests are great for newborns! (though i love getting girlie clothes for her) I would say about 8 of each! (again the washing thing) Cardigans! Hats, socks and scratch mitts!

Nappies! I agree with who ever it was who said that not all babies work well with all brands! And I found that what worked for a while all of a sudden stopped and I had to switch so I would say its easier to get them when babs is born each week with your shopping etc! Cottonwool to clean the bum with luke warm water! I never used wipes until mine were all a good few month old but i know others do and have no problems so its personal choice again!

A car seat! Most hospitals wont let you leave without having a car seat!

Pram or sling! Though as we are on total basics you really dont need one (you could carry the baby everywhere) though would be hard without haha

Somewhere for baby to sit in the day! Like a bouncy chair etc! Obviously you could put baby in the crib/moses basket while sleeping but all mine loved their bouncy chairs!
You should get more breast pads! I went through like a box a day. But I did have enough milk to feed an army of newborns!!

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