A bit confused AGAIN


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2007
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Hi all :wave:
Well my MW has left me a little baffled :think: :think:
Firstly I have been having some weird and quite painful lower back and abdomen pains and tummy tightenings during the nights. Last night being the worst, dont how I managed to move so bloody quick out of bed lol but scared the life out of me as it woke me with such a start :shock: . I told her that I have been getting BH but these are different. She said "we dont want you having him yet its too early so watch your posture"????????? What the hell has my posture got to do with it? I got these type of pains for a little while before I had Josh my first and they are very similar.

Secondly She seems to have forgotten that I wanted to be booked into the Unit and said why have I changed my mind about a homebirth? Told her last time that I would like to book into the unit as I can go for a water birth. Getting quite annoyed by then. THEN she said I wont write it in your notes as you might change your mind again :doh: :doh: What is this woman on?

Thirdly I have an Umbilical hernia which a short while back the doctor, who deals mainly with pregnant women who have hernias says I will not need to be in hospital as long as the MW Unit are ok with it, she agreed with this at my last visit but now wants me to have another opinion from a consultant as they might not let me go into the MW led Unit???????? I really dont want to have to go into hospital which is half an hour away and be hooked up to allsorts of machines. The Unit is lovely and has a really relaxed atmosphere and a Birthing pool which I can use.

And last.... Really sorry to moan ...... There is protein in my urine but she didnt bat an eyelid.
She has left me feeling a bit confused and dont know what is going to happen again. I really thought I had it all sorted. Apparantly not :evil:

Sorry once again its turned into a bit of a rant
Sherry xx
Next time you see her have it out with her - they are used to us pregnant women after all and all of our rantings!! But its not a rant, you are entitled to the birth of your choice and can change your mind 50 times if you want to - its not gonna hurt her to use a little more ink on your notes is it!?!?! Maybe just explain to her that its making you uneasy that your wishes/requests are not written clearly in your notes. Perhaps even ask for a copy of them to put your mind at rest? Anyway thats my two penneth!!! Its such an important time for us and we just want everything to be right and 'in its place', and we have every right to that eh!

Your mw sounds like she has no idea what shes doing??

I dont know how posture can have anything to do with your pains?
Is there any doctor you could go to for A second opinion?
I really hope you get the birth experience you want and everything osrts out in the ends .
Let me know how you get on
I think even if the Consultant says they want me in Hospital I will just tell them "NO" This is what I want and this is how its going to be. I dont have trouble with the Hernia so why should I have to go in? As for Mrs I dont Listen well "up hers" I will be going into the Unit. The only thing that will stop me is having LO early or any unforseen circumstances (both of which I dont want).
Your right, even if we wanted to chage our minds 50 times what does it matter. One thing about the posture thing that made me laugh though, she told me not waddle when I walked or with my legs apart :rotfl: :rotfl: Well I am sorry if someone is pushing down but its hardly something I can stop is it?

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