A BFP would be the best....**but its BFN**

Tracey M

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2010
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My big sister is living out in Belize and I miss her sooooo much. She's been out since April but came back for a 10 day holiday on Friday. She's staying with me tonight and leaving to go visiting more people tomorrow morning. Please can my tests arrive tomorrow so I can test? Oh and of course I want to tell her I've a BFP before she goes (I wish)....

She's coming back in August next year...9 months away from now.....please please please.....????
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have everything crossed for you hunnie! imagine she'd be back just as bubba due if it is a bfp! :D
Finger toes & everything in between crossed for you hun
Ooooo good point MrsMc about her sister being back in time for Traceys baby
Heaps of baby dust on it's way
Fingers and toes crossed for you hunny x x

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I'm normally in London by now but got up late & tis getting later & later each day :)
Sorry girls (and my sister) BFN on first response. My ebay cheappies at 10miU did not turn up but the first response from Amazon did so I did one of them and not a glimmer of a line (boo)

Why do I feel so pregnant?? so annoying!! Maybe witch is hiding from me and please tell me to put the test in the bin cos I keep looking at it as if magically a line will appear from nowhere.....
Sorry Tracey, it would have been so amazing with your sister and all.

You're not out yet though :)

Can't help you about the test though, i have a weeks worth of BFNs sitting on my window sill just incase lol
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I've put the test in the bin....phew

I'll take my pee to work again in the morning (not todays FMU, tomorrow's) and if my ebay cheappie tests are not here I'll just have to wait. I'm now thinking that my BFNs are soooo BFN that I cant possibly be pregnant. I think the tests are mocking me :wall2:

I'm going out clubbing tomorrow night in Edinburgh and I was hoping to have a glimmer of a line but not to be. may as well have a couple of drinkies and lots of water and just dance my socks off!

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