Would I stop crying if I started?? :( depressing


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
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I really want to cry as I feel i have to get it out of my system before baby is here!! My mum is coming tomorrow for the week but im scared Baby still wont be here by the time she has to go back!! My dad is paying for her to cancel the work course now so she can be here for me!

I have been in pain for last week with nothing actually happening.

I am 1 week late tomorrow and so tearful. I want to ask the midwife to be induced either tomorrow or friday as my back is just killing me from the car accident i had. But i dont think there is much chance of her doing it for me
:( :cry: :cry:
I am also dreading leaving my girls. In a way this is making me resent the baby as i have now started feeling that i cant leave the girls upset just to go and have baby! Why am I feeling like this? Do you think there is anything my midwife will do for me. I had a sweep last thursday with no luck!!
Would being so emotionally down be a good idea to have baby though? if im feeling like this now would having a newborn now make this any better i just dont know :cry:

Please i just want to feel normal again and I want everything to be back to how they used to be

Sorry to depress you all I think I may take myself to bed with my DS and a glass of ice yummy
I really don't have any advice, I am not sure what midwives do in this situation, but it can't harm ringing her and telling her how you feel.
I hope you get things sorted, poor you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
im sorry hun i dont have any advice i just wanna give u some of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You won't be pregnant forever, it just feels like it! I remember going over 10 days with Isaac and its like everything you imagined it would be like and planned for is somehow spoiled in a way. Its really disruptive so I guess thats not helping you feel very cheery hun

you must tell your midwife how you're feeling honey - not sure what they'll do for you... but :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: in the meantime. i'm so pleased that you might have someone with you after all xxxx
Have a word with your midwife hun. Hopefully she can give you some advice and maybe get things moving quicker for you. Just think, it's the last leg and soon you'll be back with your whole family and your lovely new baby. In the meantime, have some :hug: :hug: :hug:
first of all have some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
tbh i wish i was in ur position now. ur only 1 week at most away and i have what like 17 weeks!!! i really feel bad from now and bored and im gaining weight like an elephant . believe me i feel worse than u hun.
:hug: :hug: :hug: I really feel for you hun....on the up side... I was really really upset and depressed a few days before I popped so its a good sign... :hug: :hug: :hug:

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