Irresponsible dad-to-be needs help

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It's been quite a week here. First nutty Febreeze and now this delusional crackpot.

At least this thread is enough to make the overdue ladies go into labour from laughing so hard.....should be made sticky!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

what a saddo!!!!!!!!

no, correction.....

what a THICK saddo!!!!!!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

and dumbo here goes and clicks the link!!!

god u girls have made me laugh today./.. thanks jimbo!

btw.. when we were on honeymoon.. alex and i in kenya.. there were 2 wrinkly old dudes who went out shagging lil girls.. came bk to tell the 2 boys (who were gay) in the next appartment to us.. all their gossip.. they were like.. 70 these 2 old dudes.. the boys next to us told me all what they were saying. how they payed this pimp.. x amount to have a virgin!1 gah! made me sick..they were boasting bout having sex with girls younger than 16, and the girl laying there crying!! jesus!! i made sure my sun lounger hadn't been used by them i can assure you that
lisa&alex said:
dear me!! your ego is rather large mr superstar, you are a stupid man..

and to pass on your genes in such a poor country where prospects are very very poor you are even sadder than i 1st thought.. surly you should have thought about that before hand..your child will now grow up in a 3rd world country.. thats if it is delivered safly..and will struggle no end to survive.. you are a selfish man.. and all i have to say is.. whatever floats your boat really.. and im glad that there are some decent men int he world..

you actually disgust me.. i cant read this thread completely shocked.. errgh!!

This guy cant be for real. I think its probably some sad b*stard with nothing better to do than try and wind up a bunch of pregnant women on a forum. I mean, if he is for real then he clearly has absolutely no brains - not only for all that he has supposedly done - but for the fact he comes on to a pretty much female only site, where there will be a hell of a lot of women in their early 30s, then insults them, when supposedly asking for their help!!! Not only that, but the comment about not being paternal but wanting to impregnate random women is clearly meant to rile us as pregnant women. The African touch is a very thinly and poorly veiled attempt at trying to make it not obviously insulting to us Brits. All I have to say is we may be preggers, but we are not stupid. Its a load of old b*llocks if you ask me. If he IS that thick that he insults the people he is attempting to get help from then he is clearly a lost cause anyway.
I think he needs to spend less time thinking up "imaginative" ways of trying to amuse himself and get himself to some classes on social interaction. It appears he needs them.

If you flash money about in Africa, of course you can get any one you want, very foolish man! My husband is WEST AFRICAN and has read what you wrote, after, he commented to say 'he must be an ugly man' but one that needs to be taught a lesson!

I suggest you go away, have a look at African cultures and way of lifes, also, it's your life, you pay for what you will. But when you find out the baby isn't yours, will you regret handing over 2000 GBP's?
**C** said:
It's been quite a week here. First nutty Febreeze and now this delusional crackpot.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I called my OH over to read this thread just to show him that men can write on here asking for advice too ... after reading it all he was like..

"Im not going in there! :shock: " .. All the replies scared him off :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

... I must add - is this story for real? WTF!!! Strange,strange man :think: ....
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

OMG this is hilarius. It has certainly made me laugh - there really are some weirdos out there.
Was going to move this from third tri but don't know WHERE to put it :lol:

But then I am an inferior example of womanhood at 31 :wink:

So for now I'll just lock it ladies, but will leave it up for a giggle :lol:
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