9 month old still not sleeping at night


Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2017
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I haven't posted here in some months. But my now 9 month old still doesn't sleep at night. He's never slept for more than a few hours at a time. Some days worse than others. From 20 mins to the best 3 hours. I just don't understand why. Isit because hes breastfed? I seem to think there is a link to terrible sleep with breastfeeding as all 3 of my Children were terrible sleepers. My son is fully weaned for a few months now. 3 meals a day snacks inbetween and still breast milk. He has pretty much always had the same routine. He naps during the day but even that is sometimes terrible and only naps for 10 mins sometimes. He's currently waking up every 1-1.30hr at night. The cycle continues till around 7am. He wakes up and immedietly gets on all fours searching for me and crying. I lay him back down but he just cries. He uses a dummy. But he has a bad habbit of throwing it out of the cot. So i have a around 9 dummies to use. I just don't know why he won't sleep atleast for a few hours. I can actually tome when he's going to wake up. When will I ever get any sleep again. I hear people saying their babys sleep 6hours or even 12. Why have I been so unlucky with each child. He's a very active baby. Wont sit still. Always on the move. He's also still teething and currently doesnt even have 1 tooth. But I don't think that's the problem as some days hes fine and stil wont settle. I know it won't last forever. But 9 months of no sleep. I'm suprised I'm still living. Any tips would be appreciated. Also I've got the routine of bath wind down etc. He knows it's bed time..He just wakes up every hour
Hey! Breastfeeding wouldn’t be the culprit.
When is the last nap of the day? And when is bedtime? My son is nearly 10 months now and I find that he sleeps easier when he wakes from his last day nap at around 3 and then bedtime is at 7. Any later than 7 and he’ll be up at 4am every time!
Friends of mine have changed up blankets and got their babies to sleep better, put them in sleepsuits rather than sleeping bags.
Do you co-sleep sometimes? The cot is a no go area for mine, he’s only ever slept a grand total of an hour in a cot! Co-sleeping is the only way I can get some sleep.
I promise you it won’t last forever!
Some babies just don't sleep well :/ I doubt it is down to breastfeeding.

Have you tried having him in bed with you? I co slept with all my babies and even though they woke a lot they would settle back to sleep really quickly. It's much easier, you can offer the boob as soon as they stir, and most of the time they barely wake. I definitely got more sleep doing that than trying to get them to sleep on their own.

I know it doesn't feel like it at the moment but it won't last forever. x

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His last nap is around half 3. But he isn't tired until around 8pm. Currently on his night feed while I write this. Only 2 weeks ago I was giving him milk during the night. He has been waking up every 1.30-2hrs for atleast 4 months. The HV told me to cut out night feeds as she thought maybe he is waking for milk. But no. I cut them out but he still is waking up just as frequently. I co slept for many months from birth but I had to stop as I was having horrible nightmares of crushing him etc. He doesnt mind the cot. He's been using the cot atleast 5 months. He just wakes up after an hour or so. Which is no good. His naps aren't always great either. From 10 mins to an hour. Twice a day. He wakes up wuth the slightest sound. So I usually have white sound on all night. Otherwise his waking would be even more frequent.
He has never slept though. If anyone seen my previous posts from birth he was sleeping only 10 mins at a time. It's been Terrible from the very start
And I meant breastfeeding due to breastfed babies been clingy wanting to stay on the breast for comfort and not being full for long on milk due to its easy digestion. Every friend i know or family member have formula fed their babies & they sleep like a dream.. I don't regret my choices of breastfeeding however I just seem to think breastfeeding is linked to my babies terrible sleep habbits. I breastfed each child upto 2 years and all slept terribly.
Have you tried baby wearing in the day? That might help him sleep longer and get into the habit of long sleeps?
Have you tried baby wearing in the day? That might help him sleep longer and get into the habit of long sleeps?
This is a great suggestion!

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No haven't used a sling since my boy was a month or so. He is a big boy and my back used to kill wearing the sling. Ide say he's too active to be in a carrier now. He is crawling and doesnt want to sit down. Always on the move and jumps off people's laps.
I think that sounds like teething, in my experience, all my kids were very on/off with sleep during teething.

It was very unpredictable and still is with the youngest.

I hope it's over as quickly as possible for you though, I know your pain :wall2:
My started to sleep through the night when almost 2 years old:) When 1,5 he still woke up 5 times a night
My daughter is almost 18 months and has yet to sleep a full night!
She goes down in her cot and usually wakes about midnight and we bring her in with us.

I went through what you’re going through, including blaming breastfeeding, but I now know lots of mums, some of whom have breastfed babies that sleep and some have bottle fed babies that don’t! I do think formula probably stodges them up a bit more and when babies are breastfed they do use it for comfort but just keep comforting!!

It’s knackeribg but you’ll get there and in the meantime cosleeping just about saved my sanity!
Hope you manage to get some rest! xxxx
Do you have a bed time routine? Don't try to force bed time on him. Find out when he gets fussy for naps and night time sleep so you can work around his schedule. My 19 month old was sleeping through the night by 6 months because we did a bed time routine, a later bed time so he was exhausted when he would go down, and made sure his tummy was full so he didn't wake up in the middle of the night hungry.

Cut his naps if you need to in the day so you can at least have him sleep through the night and you can get some rest. Also, co-sleeping is not a bad idea if all else fails. For your sanity and for your own sleep, if you need to do it go for it.

I've done it a few times myself and it's not the end of the world especially when we're all sleeping 8 hours straight.

Hang in there, it will get better the better you are at figuring out his schedule.
Hes 21 months now and still doesnt sleep through. Still waking every 1-2 hours every night. Im trying to wean him off the breast. But hes not having it.
I truly believe in wake times and crib hour. Wake times for that age should be 2.5-3 hours at a time with 2 naps in between. Total wake time should be no more than 9 hours total a day. Each nap should be at least 1 hour long. Crib hour is basically keeping them in their crib for an hour no matter what. My son caught on after a week or two of fighting them back when he was 4 months old. It was hard. Try to be consistent with morning wakings as well.

My son has been sleeping through the night since 4 months when we sleep trained. He is 10 months old now. He is a wonderful napper and sleeper.

At 9 months, I think we did 2.75/3/3.25 for wake times.

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