7-11 Crying!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Zachary is a little imp.

After his feed at 7pm he never seems to settle until his 11pm feed.

He just cries and wont sleep and generally seems grumpy!

Any one suggest anything to help soothe him?

He has infacol before each feed to help him bring up his wind and I have tried a dummy but he isnt really interested.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated. I know babies all have a fractious time but I hate seeing him upset!
how many oz's is he having hun? could he want more food? don't really know what else to say sorry x
I just used to carry Stanley around.

A coory sling made it easier and saved my back! :D
have u got a papoose or something jaidy. i just sling him in that and it works a treat
I definitely agree about the sling, it works wonders! Some babies just have a hard time winding down at the end of the day, Leorah is one of them :roll:
Ewan was exactly the same between 6 and 11 pm, almost inconsolable, i was usually in tears, and he wanted fed all the time. he grew out of it.
But it did nothting for our stress levels!

Hope it improves soon :hug:
There is a thing called 6-10pm colic, Harry had this real bad for the first few weeks even with Infacol, we've been using Dr. Browns bottles & they're working a treat!!
Hi Jade sent you PM but I had a thought are you sure he's not hungry? Babies naturally cluster feed during the evening to give them enough calories to get them through the night. He may be tired but knows he needs more milk before bed. Leorah feeds constantly in the evening :)
We saw the HV today and he has been on 4oz per feed and she said to increase it to 5oz if we think he will take it, and tonight he has had 5oz and has been brill!!

Just hoping he sleeps tonight too now!

Tasha, we have a vibrating bouncer but because he is still quite small I dont think he feels safe enough in it.

I have a baby carrier but have not used it yet, will bear this in mind though...although it may well have been a hunger thing!

Thanks for the PM Katt xxx
Yes Olivia was too small at that age come to think of it, she still doesnt like going in the sling :roll:

Oh and Congratulations on your Engagement!!! Sooo jelous :twisted: :lol:
ahh the joys of colic, colief drops worked treat for me with sophie, she used to cry between 6 - 9pm 3 hrs solid :?

alastair just never stopped crying for 3 months :rotfl: nowt worked on him :D

just stick with it hun it will pass :hug:
How was last night Jade? I hope little Zac slept well and you did too!! It surprised me when we realised that Leorah wanted more food but I guess she knew what was best for her and for me and as we increased the evening feeds she satrted going longer and longer through the night until she slept through. She now gets ratty earlier and we realised she wants her EBM earlier now and then she goes off for the night earlier. Its fantastic when you feel you understand your LO more, it feels like you have turned a corner :hug:
Ah hope the extra food is working wonders. I have the same proplem but my LO just won't settle after 2/3am. I'm breastfeeding and wondered if anyone had any ideas?

Ignore my ticker, i need to sort it. Jayden's 6 weeks on Thursday.
Tasha20 said:
Yes Olivia was too small at that age come to think of it, she still doesnt like going in the sling :roll:

Oh and Congratulations on your Engagement!!! Sooo jelous :twisted: :lol:

Ah its not a recent thing hun, ive been engaged for over 3 years now and finally decided to book a date for the wedding in the next week or two when we see vicar to sort out Zac's christening!
that is what you call textbook colic. I would recommend coleif drops
luke does this just cries on and off but he does it fom about midnight - 2am ish sometimes longer we are exhausted. we try extra food and slings hes just awake and wants to play, any suggestions?
When Logan is like this we just do skin to skin and keep the lights low I also make sushhing noises but don't speak to him. Eventually he nods off!
Lyndsey said:
When Logan is like this we just do skin to skin and keep the lights low I also make sushhing noises but don't speak to him. Eventually he nods off!

we do keep lights low and don't speak. i will try skin to skin though, did this on the neonatal unit when he was in there and i love it, love feeling his body against mine. thanks lyndsey :dance:

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