It's Twins!

Congratulations! I'd absolutely love twins, It'll be hard work but worth it. Everyone just melts when they see twins, it'll be so rewarding!

Good luck!!! :D


How do you feel?

When I found out that I was having twins I had a mix of emotions from dismay to scared to absoluely over the moon.

They are such hard work and the pg will seem never ending towards the end, but you ill have so many scans, have such special care and have double the love at the end of it all.

I too was very frustrated at the lack of information but I found an organisation caled tamba ( twins and multiple birth association) ad I have been a member of this for the last 8 years.

You get news letters, advise from other parents and can buy books etc that concentrate on twin pregnancies.

You also get a card with discounts on places such as clarkes etc..well needed with 2!

Must admit that I'm dreading my scan as I have more chance of having 2 than 1 according to my midwife!

God luck with it all! Believe me the hard work is sooo worth it x
CONGRATULATIONS on your TWINS!!!!!!! My OH wanted twins, which is great for him, he don't have to carry them :lol:

Wishing you a very healthy & happy pregnancy! :hug: xx

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