6 months old and naps


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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How long and how many do your LOs have around this age??

We were quite settled on 3 x 30min naps, as she never slept longer than that unless in car, for a while now, but things seem to be changing the last couple of day. She is now having her 1st nap of the day when she would usually have the 2nd. I am wondering if she is going to need even less sleep now shes getting past 6 months??

ALso do any of yours still cry/fight going to sleep in the day??? Charlotte has always done this and still does even though i put her in cot and have a similar routine etc etc :(

Its not that i mind her not sleeping much in the day its just she gets really grumpy
Hi NIkkif,

She usually has one nap in the morning before lunch time, maybe for an hour but it can vary between half and hour and 1. The next one is in the afternoon - usually 1 hour 1.5. Having said that, she only slept half an hour today so that also varies.

In the day time she usually goes down to sleep quickly without crying and used to do in the night time until this week when she has taken to having a cry before she sleeps. Seems to like it :roll:
hmm well imogen from around that age and now too is having a hour nap in the morning and in the afternoon shes having 2 hours.And shes put in her room for them.
wow i wish she would sleep that long but theres no chance :) just i would have time to get things done!! She occasionally sleeps 40-50 mins but never 1-2 hours since she was tiny
ryan sleeps after food..! honestly, he'll have breakfast at about 10 o clock, then about 11 he'll be whingy and fall to sleep til about 1130-12. lunch at 1 or 2 and he'll do the same, sleep about 230-315. then dinner at 6 or 7 and he'll sleep all night then until about 5am.
leckershell said:
ryan sleeps after food..! honestly, he'll have breakfast at about 10 o clock, then about 11 he'll be whingy and fall to sleep til about 1130-12. lunch at 1 or 2 and he'll do the same, sleep about 230-315. then dinner at 6 or 7 and he'll sleep all night then until about 5am.

Imogen always sleeps too when she has had her food and has a full belly :D
Lola normally has a nap around 11am and maybe one in an afternoon but not always she doesn't even sleep in the car now :roll:
Dylan goes for a sleep after his 9am feed, for between 30mins & 1.5 hours. Then he has another sleep in the afternoon, usually from about 3.30 - 4.30. Both times is after a bf (well bottle now) x
Hey chick, Ava's a nightmare, maybe has 2x20mins naps all day and thats if im lucky, she dont seem to need much sleep :think: , although to get her to actually fall asleep is a nightmare she hates it and screams crys and kicks, hope its just a stage :pray:
shes also waking up twice in the night for water not milk last night oh did a nightshift and she woke up every hour :|
Jess normally has 3 naps a day; 2 x 30 mins and 1 x 1 hour.
It depends on how tired she is on how she falls asleep. If she's completely knackered, she fall asleep as soon as I put her into her cot, otherwise she will have a bit of a cry first. When she's playing up, I have to hold and rock her to sleep.
at 6 months, melissa's naps were not very different to how they are now- maybe they were a bit longer then :think:

she has 2. one in the morning is usually the shorter of the 2, and i usually go for a walk with the pushcahir, and she falls asleep in that- maybe about 11-ish for 30 minutes or so

the afternoon one i put her down in the cot for- its usually 2-ish and its at least an hour. sometimes 2 hours or occasionally 2 and a half.
Hi Nikkif :wave:

I've finally got Ash into a routine in the last few weeks!

His day:
8am - wake up
8.30ish - breast feed
10am - in cot for nap. Will sleep anywhere from 40 mins to 1 hour. Doesn't cry when put down, but will make noises for 5 mins or so.
12ish - breastfeed
2.30pmish - sleeps, usually in pram if we're out for a walk, but will sleep on me or on the floor if we're not at home. Can sleep for up to an hour and a half.
4pmish - breastfeed
7pmish - gets sleepy therefore gets his final feed as he's getting sleepy
7.30pm - usually in bed by now. Will moan for maybe 5-10 mins.
on a good night he'll make it to 5am or so before needing a feed.

We're starting solids in a week or so and weaning off breastmilk, so this could all go out the window!!

I read somewhere that at this age, babies should be sleeping up to and no longer than 3 hours in the day time.


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