Hi all.
A little back ground info....DS is just coming up to 6 months. He's never really been good at napping but from 13wks he was sleeping 12 hours a night. I've always let him lead me when it comes to sleeping and feeding and he found his own schedule with him needing to be asleep by 6pm so we start routine around 5.30 but I'm pretty sure he would sleep at 5pm if I let him. His night time sleep has taken a bit hit and it's now hit or miss whether he will sleep through or not, most likely not these days and he wakes a lot in the night although never wants to be fed, it's usually dummy or wet nappy but he does self settle with his thumb on occasions and that is when he sleeps through. I always let him fuss when I hear him wake up to see if he sorts himself out but I will go to rescue if I can tell that's not going to happen. I feel the problem is his daytime napping and I'm really at a loss of what to do. When he is tired he really does have to sleep or we have total meltdown and all hell breaks loose. They problem is he won't nap for longer than 45 minutes, sometimes I can settle him again sometimes not but regardless within half an hour he is showing all his tired signs and the cycle starts again. If he's tired he will sleep and I have to get him to sleep then, if I miss the window of opportunity he won't sleep. I just wish he would sleep longer so he is having some happy awake time. He is never awake longer than 1.5 hours of I'm lucky it's more like an hour and I just feel like I'm constantly putting him to sleep. Has anyone been in a similar position or can offer some advice? I'm hoping it's just a phase. I can't have a set schedule because if I don't follow his lead and try and keep him awake it's not worth the hysterics.
A little back ground info....DS is just coming up to 6 months. He's never really been good at napping but from 13wks he was sleeping 12 hours a night. I've always let him lead me when it comes to sleeping and feeding and he found his own schedule with him needing to be asleep by 6pm so we start routine around 5.30 but I'm pretty sure he would sleep at 5pm if I let him. His night time sleep has taken a bit hit and it's now hit or miss whether he will sleep through or not, most likely not these days and he wakes a lot in the night although never wants to be fed, it's usually dummy or wet nappy but he does self settle with his thumb on occasions and that is when he sleeps through. I always let him fuss when I hear him wake up to see if he sorts himself out but I will go to rescue if I can tell that's not going to happen. I feel the problem is his daytime napping and I'm really at a loss of what to do. When he is tired he really does have to sleep or we have total meltdown and all hell breaks loose. They problem is he won't nap for longer than 45 minutes, sometimes I can settle him again sometimes not but regardless within half an hour he is showing all his tired signs and the cycle starts again. If he's tired he will sleep and I have to get him to sleep then, if I miss the window of opportunity he won't sleep. I just wish he would sleep longer so he is having some happy awake time. He is never awake longer than 1.5 hours of I'm lucky it's more like an hour and I just feel like I'm constantly putting him to sleep. Has anyone been in a similar position or can offer some advice? I'm hoping it's just a phase. I can't have a set schedule because if I don't follow his lead and try and keep him awake it's not worth the hysterics.