Aww good luck ladies I'm now 11 DPO and I have had 3 BFPs so keep your hopes up ladies fingers crossed for you all x
Congratulations MrsB! I'm 12 dpo and bfn for me today. Not had a positive before 13dpo before (but equally not had a successful pregnancy either so who knows if that is a bad sign or not). Got my fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Aww good luck ladies I'm now 11 DPO and I have had 3 BFPs so keep your hopes up ladies fingers crossed for you all x
Congrats hunni!!!!
Thought I was 15DPO but now looking back may be 13DPO but BFN anyhow, still no AF symptoms, and the Pregnancy type symptoms are hit and miss
Time will tell but not holding out much hope X
I'm 14dpo now, bfn and no af yet but can't see this being a positive outcome as I know exactly when I ovd as this was my clomid round with scans all through the cycle. Poopers.