5 weeks and bleeding


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2013
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Hi girls,

So last night when I wiped after using the loo there was some dark 'bittiness' when I wiped. This morning I have had some dark red blood and a red blood clot (so sorry for tmi)! I am so worried this is the start of a miscarriage! I have rang my clinic and they have advised that I take it easy, monitor the bleed and test again next week.

What do ppl think? Does this sound like the start of a miscarriage or is there any hope?? Xx
It could be a miscarriage but it could also be nothing. It could also be ectopic.

I don't mean to scare you but I find it so frustrating when doctors fob women off for bleeding in pregnancy.

The only sign I had of my pregnancy being ectopic was a small bleed at 5weeks. I called NHS 111 who got me an appointment with the EPU the next day.. 2days later I had my tube removed where the pregnancy was growing. If I had left it a week & tested again it would of still been positive & then resulted in my tube bursting & me possibly losing my life.

Like I said I do not want to scare you but please do not just leave this. It can be nothing as a lot of women do bleed throughout pregnancy but I would go to A&E & tell them you want to be scanned. At 5weeks they will see either a 'mass' in your tube or a sac in the right place so don't believe them when they say it's too early.

Please get this checked.
Head over to a&e hun and get checked. A scan at this stage can say a lot about positioning of lil baby. Ectopics are very dangerous if left undiagnosed. Stay positive tho hunni. Very common for women to bleed during pregnancy and everything has still beeb fine xx
Thanks ladies! the bleeding has got worse so I am assuming I am miscarrying! The nurses just make you feel so uncomfortable and like you are wasting their time! I have no pain! Gosh ..wishing hoping that sounds scary!! Did you have any pain with the ectopic?? Xx
I had cramps yes & assumed I was miscarrying.

It wasn't nice especially at they told me there was a twin in the womb the same day they had to operate & I sadly miscarried that one 6days later but I fell pregnant again 4weeks later with this baby!!

Please go to A&E as they will refer you to EPU straight away..

Good Luck

Update: so I took your advise and I have been to the ePub this morning, they did an internal and weren't too concerned to admit me as I am not in lots of pain but have booked me in for bloods and an internal scan tomorrow to rule out ectopic!! I am expecting the worse but hoping for the best!!!

Thanks for your advise girls!! Xx
Good luck today hunni. Thinking of you xx
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Thanks girls!

Been the epu this morn and had an internal scan they couldn't see a sac in my uterus or my tubes but say I have some free fluid in my uterus that the can't explain. They have told me they are still unsure where the pregnancy is and are still concerned it may be ectopic. Had my bloods done (get results tomorrow) then they will repeat bloods on Tuesday to see what hcg iis doing. My lining is also only 3mm so I am assuming I have miscarried! I'll update you all tomorrow!

I hope you are all well and symptoms are coming on nicely!! Xx
I'm so sorry things haven't gone well today! :( Stay strong xxx
I'm so sorry to hear hun. Fingers are tightly crossed for u my love. Easier said than done. Get plenty of rest. I had fluid - not entirely sure iv it was in my abdomen or uterus but that was because over responded during ivf xx
I really hope it isn't ectopic for you hun & I'm so sorry.

If it turns out to be the case please feel free to message me if you want advise..

Take care of yourself!!

Big hugs :)

So got my blood results ...my HCG levels are only 21!! They are still going to repeat them tomorrow but I know I am out!

As I have only been getting a little dark blood on and off and had a small red bleed on Friday should I be expecting this to get a hundred times worse in terms of bleeding and cramping! My last mc was surgically managed so I am unsure what to expect. Can anyone offer me any advise from your own experience? Xx
I'm afraid I don't have any advice hun. I'm so sorry u are going through all this xx
I'm so sorry hun :/
My experience of mc was not really that terrible, physically. Firstly it just started like a period but quickly got heavier. I had a little bit cramp but not much. Then about 6 hours after the bleeding started I had three separate bad cramps that lasted about half a minute each. Then I went to the toilet and passed everything. It was a lot of bleeding but not much more pain than a bad period.

I hope when it happens it's not too painful for you. It's scary when you haven't been through it before, but in my experience it really isn't anything to be feared. It can be tough emotionally, so just be kind to yourself for a while and get lots of rest.

Thanks juice, that's really helpful! I guess I'll just have to wait! Still off work this week so that's good! I'll just take it easy and try to move forward and focus on the future!!

Thanks everyone xx

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