I'll probably be thought of less kindly on here but it was the other way round for us and it was me who had an affair, and it is not something I would EVER do again, I nearly lost everything including my sanity, I was so stupid, there were many reasons that it occurred and this is something me and hubby have worked through, we talk more now than we did, there were sexual issues and these have been sorted (obviously

) but as I say it has taken us a good long while to get to this stage and a lot of work.
It took me ages to get his trust back and 3 years down the line I think were there, we were there at least 2 years after, but that shows how long it can take but each couple is different.
I do still know how you feel I have been cheated on previously by ex hubby, but again there were lots of physically abusing issues that neither of us could agree to work on so that ended but it hurt.
I love my husband with everything I am and everything that I have and I am the LUCKIEST woman on earth to have him and this is something I have realised over the years.
It depends how hard you want to fight to keep what you have I guess with me and hubby we wanted to fight both of us wanted to fight and that makes all the difference
Hope this has helped and you don't think too badly of me for it.