4w 2d pregnant but digi says 3+


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2012
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Hi everyone!

I tested two days early with a digi and got a 2-3 weeks which I thought was quiet strange (expected to see 1-2 if anything!)

Anyways I've tested today and I'm 4w 2days and my digi says 3+!

Would you be concerned? Do you think I should speak to docs and ask for scan to make sure everything's ok?

If you were me would you assume I'm actually 5weeks pregnant or still 4w2?

I'm really nervous this means something bad - or even something like twins scares the shit out of me! X
Hello! Congratulations! I don't think those digis are very accurate when telling you the number of weeks - I can't remember the stats but they are on the instructions. So I wouldn't worry too much, but maybe mention it to your GP or at your booking in appointment just to be on the safe side?
I tested at 5+2 expecting to see a 3+.

I got a 1-2 and then a 2-3 a couple of hours later!

Digis are unreliable and inaccurate.

Everything's great hun! As long as it's telling you you're preggers, don't worry about the numbers.


Thanks for the reassurance ladies! I'm panicking a bit - but I think I'm just panicking in general! X

Just teasing :)
Everything is 100000% fine huni, try not to panic! Xxx

Just teasing :)
Everything is 100000% fine huni, try not to panic! Xxx

Don't say that dani!!

My SIL is expecting twins any day and I've teased her non stop so no doubt if it was triplets it would be justice for her! Haha x
It's the same with all hi-tech stuff, everything is over engineered to the point it becomes useless. As already mentioned, ignore the week stuff and just go for the pregnant/not pregnant sign that it was originally designed for.
Everyone develops at different rates so everyone's level of HCG is different so therefore how can peeing on a stick tell you how many weeks pregnant you are? Only a proper scan is going to be able to give you that answer.

Relax and de-stress and enjoy pregnancy :)

PP xXx
Don't worry about it being multiples - I didn't get a 3+ until 5 weeks. My midwife asked me if I'd been really sick and was shocked when I said I haven't actually been sick at all - apparently she always tells people who have some sickness with one that they're not sick enough to be having twins :eh:

As already said they're quite unreliable. Are you sure you're only 4+2 though?
I got a 3+ at 4 weeks pregnant! Don't worry Hun it's a good sign as your HCG levels must be nice and strong! Xx
Thanks everyone you've really out my mind at ease! I've just made my 'early bird appointment' and I mentioned to the midwife my digi and she said they will try and get me in for my 12w scan more like 11w to be on safe side if in a week or two out xxx
Multiples are a blessing. It's so sad to see such negative attitudes :(
I think the conception indicators are unreliable and also hcg levels differ massively :) so would be hard to know before scan :).

Agree with Lou lol I think twins are amazing, so precious the bond that they have before they are even born! Xx
I don't think they are negative attitudes, when you have a toddler already like the ladies above, the thought of more than one baby coming along not long after is just daunting! X
Maybe u just ovulated a little earlier and caught earlier than u think?! Congratulations xxx
Sorry if it came across as negative I didn't mean finding out it was twins would be bad I meant I would be petrified purely because of our personal circumstances! It if we're twins I'm sure I would get my head round it and be overjoyed!

Sorry I caused offence in any way it really wasn't intended!! Xx

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