4D Scans


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2007
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Whos having one?

I know there have been a few of us who are still under the 20 week stage and i wondered who was planning on having a 4d scan.

And to those that have already had one are they worth the money?

Im considering having one next year but the nearest babybond is two hours away and with whats happened to Kimbo i dont want to travel all that way for nothing is it worth it?

Also to you think its selfish to organise it as a suprise for oh xmas pressie as it will really be for both of us. My oh b day is also in Dec so i struggle to think of one pressie let alone two.
I've got one booked on 19th Jan here...


Was gonna go to babybond first but the nearest one is in Glasgow which is 3 hours drive away. It's gonna cost £190 which is a lot of money but I figured as this will be my last pregnancy (we've both agreed no more kids after this one) I might as well make the most of it.
It will be nice for James to see the baby too as they don't like kids going to the NHS one's.
Another reason for it is the NHS here won't sex the baby and OH really wants to know what we're having.
And I don't think it's selfish to get it for OH's pressie, it will be a special moment for him too.

My mum and OH are paying for mine for my xmas pressie.
mines on moday woohoo def worth the money, go for a cheaper package than all the portraits and dvd if your short of cash and i think its a fab pressie!!!
im having one but not till feb as il be 28 weeks then plus its going to be my bday prezzie :)
manda xx
there are loads of clinics who do 4d scan, if you run a search for pregnancy scan i'm sure you will fnd something much closer to home
gymbabeliz said:
there are loads of clinics who do 4d scan, if you run a search for pregnancy scan i'm sure you will fnd something much closer to home

I have had a look and cant seem to find any in Devon im sure there are some so if anyone knows anywhere then please let me know.

Will have to have a think although im not sure if i want to know what my baby looks like before its born :think: .

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