48 ounces


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Hi girls, Im a bit worried about my little man, hes 13wks old 2day and hes having 6 8 oz of milk a day, between the hrs of half six and half five, hes absolutely great he sleeps all through the night from half five till between 6-6.30 in the morning so in 11 hrs hes having 6 bottles and it still doesnt seem to be filling him, he isnt fat hes a stocky lad but hes long aswell i need help on this girls hes still crying for more food
That is quite a lot hun, Charlie only has 5 bottles with 6 oz in each, and doesn't very often finish them.

What milk is he on??
Aptamil extra so hes on the second stage but its the only milk that he likes as the others give him constipation :cry:
Hmmm. I don't want to go against all the health workers advise, but he does sound like he's ready for something more substantial. Maybe a teeny bit of baby rice? Or a small bit of pureed something?
i tried baby rice and he didnt like it i think it was too bland 4 him so i tried some cow & gate pureed and he loved it, only gave him a couple tiny spoons but cried wanting more hes happy now just hope hes tummys up 2 it do you think he will be?
The guidelines now say that babies shouldn't have anything other than milk until 17 weeks, but this has only recently changed. I know they only say these things to protect out LO's, but Kayleigh was a lot younger than that when she first had rusks, and that was on the advise of the hv!

TBH, I'm glad that Charlie isn't ready yet as I don't know what I would do. Your natural instinct is to protect your baby, so you should listen to the guidelines really, but if your baby is hungry all the time and only a bit of purreed food will settle him, what are you to do??

I'm sure he's be fine hun. And if a couple of spoons have settled him, he must be ready for it. :hug:
Thanx hun it is so worrying i didnt want to gine him food now but that just seems to be a bit extreme 48ounces :shock: I was the same though my mum started feeding me at 8 weeks old because i was having six 9 ounce bottles between 8 - 8 and i was going through a box of milupa :shock: wat a fatty
i started Sophie at 12 weeks with food hun, i went against the guildlines cos i knew it was the right thing for her, she is fine.

Do what u feel is best hun :hug:
thanx 4 your support girls :hug: :hug: :hug: blimey my little boy is having food, hes growing up too fast i know i keep saying it but he is :cry:
I was advised to put mine on solids at 12 weeks and that was only 6 years ago. I'm sure he'll be fine!
Hes been like a different baby today content and happy hes had a nap for an hr and he normally only slps 4 about 20 mins its been lovely like having my hapy little boy back, hes had some more food today and loved itim so proud of him, :hug:

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