is this supposed to get harder??!!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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im bloody knackered.. i know he is 6 weeks and is probably having a growth spurt but im really struggling with little sleep and feeding all day..

hes bn like this for 4 days..yesterday was the longest nap he has had in 4 days he napped solid for 3nhalf hrs while we were out but fed 8-1 before we went out then fed 4-5 had hour break then fed 6-11 i fell asleep around 11 ish but woke to feed him 4 times 11-4 which i was ignoring a lot of his sygnals between 11-4 thinking he cant possibly be hungry around 6am i decided to just try cuddle him under the duvet and he went to sleep for hr n half..

im struggling not to top him up with formula coz i know he needs to stimilate me to boost my milk, just every night we are getting less sleep. so after90odd mins break hes bk on my boob..please tell me its gonna get better
yeah i do.. i try to sleep thro it but hes getting so angry at my boob hes pullin my nipple off and wriggling about grizzling waking alex waking me latching off.. hes just being a complete nightmare...hes gone to sleep now been sleeping 45 mins thank god.. now i can go for a wee...
i've been having the same problems. She pulls off so many times i can't sleep and feed. I've taken to giving her 1 formula bottle and 1 bottle of expressed milk through the night (well my oh is).

Its harder than i thought. I have a new respect for all BF now!!
well i aint expressed for a week or so.. he has slept since my last post.. so i decided to erxpress.. ive only been going 5 mins and ive got 1oz.. far more than ive had in the past :)
i'm having the same issues at the moment... we have gone from feeding really well to constantly being on there not taking the milk just using as a dummy, not latching on and getting frustrated and so on.

My boobs have taken such a pounding over the last few days and i am so tired, i am seriously considering switching to formula full time ( we already use it at night alongside ebm, like annem). I am actually starting to find it a chore rather than enjoying the bonding time with her and thats starting to worry me. I've tried feeding lying down but I cant get her to latch on and i'm not comfortable co-sleeping.

i thought it was supposed to get easier!!
i read a few pages of kellymom today and feel a bit better.. its completly normal for babys to do this at 6 weeks.. i love feeding and dont want to stop.. i guess its just a growth spurt most babys go through.. and we just have to persist! if i quit il regret it..
i found it does settle down after a while it seems more natural than getting a bottle seems more do wonder every growth spurt if it will ever end but it does and you should congratulate yourself on getting through it

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