Bottle feeding

Little bean

Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2011
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Hi my little one is 2 & half weeks old and eats about 8 bottles in 24 hours, it says on the aptimal pack for his age and weight 6 bottles every 24 hours. he has between 3 - 4 oz and doesn't always settle. Am I giving him to much?? He cries wanting a bottle every 3 - 4 hours. How much are your little ones having? Advice pls. Xx
AJ never had what was on the pack. Every baby is different.

I'm a firm believer of you cannot over feed a baby. If baby wants food, feed it. Happy baby = happy mum. x
Absolutley agree with the above.

The formula packs are only a guidline. My LO always had more than it said on the pack and he has never been overweight (which was one of my concerns). If he is hungry, feed him otherwise you'll be left with a very hungry and miserable little man :shock:
My lo drank loads up until recently and every 2 hours so I wouldn't worry. I'd only seek medical advice if your baby seems to need a lot of food yet suffers from any digestive problems x
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Don't worry you can't over feed a baby they sick up any thing they don't only 2 and a half weeks old they beer settle every time after a bottle it could be wind or just wanting comfort your doing fine they are just guides on the boxes :)

At ten days old my LO was draining 5oz bottels and she feed every 2 hrs , she was a hungry baby . I needed up putting her on hungry baby milk as she started wanting feeds every hour to hour and a half . When she had the hungry baby milk she fell into a 3 hour feeding routine on her own .

Could you not add an extra ounce in your baby's bottel .


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