
Sounds like a plan :)

My hubby and I did similar. We got married at a registrars office and only invited and told my parents and two good friends. Hubby's family are Australian and we opted to tell them later on and have a celebration with them all when we get back to Australia sometime in the not too distant future.

We had a lovely day, slept in in the morning, got married at 11.30, went back to our house for champagne and gooey chocolate wedding cake (made by my own fair hand) with our friends and then went for a long hike over the hills with our dogs in the afternoon. That evening the 6 of us went out for dinner at a lovely restaurant and that was it! We had a long weekend honeymoon break a few months later in the South of France.

Most of my friends still don't know we are married. I've not changed my name nor did we exchange wedding rings. Just not our thing. But we are very happy and our day was about us and what we wanted. We'd never wanted a big wedding, felt it was too much to stress about and tbh never felt the need to marry in church as neither of us are religious. Besides, in this day and age I just felt we had more important things to spend money on and my green conscience would have hated the eco cost of a big wedding :roll:

I'd maybe consider telling and inviting both sets of parents and leaving it at that. And then sometime next summer why not have a BBQ or hog roast and invite all your family and friends to celebrate with you then? No fuss, just everyone there, in a relaxed atmosphere so you can share and tell them :)
We had a christmas eve wedding too - we didnt want loads of fuss but I do have a neice with cerebal palsy and we wanted her mum and dad to see her all dressed up as a bridesmaid so we did do dresses and suits - we got married at the local Castle (sounds really grand but the room is tiny) and there was 16 of us in total - just family, we then went for a meal at a local restaurant - just their normal menu and a couple of friends joined us for a drink later........

It was so lovely - my nieces had the day of their lives, Charlotte was just an angel all day and was thrilled with her dress and "crown" she kept signing "I'm a princess". I think it cost less than £1000 in total but to us it was priceless.

Problem we have now is what do we do on Christmas Eve this year to top that!!!!!
My mum and dad did that...never invited any family...just went to a registry office, got married and had their two friends as witnesses...

They've been married for 30 years now.. :D

I wish I had just gone somewhere quiet and gotten married... the fuss and the hassle a wedding causes is terrible... I never felt more certain than anythng else in my life, than getting married to my DH.... but the nerves were terrible from worrying that everything wouldn't go right...

What you could say to make sure no one gets the hump about you getting married and not inviting them, is that you wanted to get married before the baby was born to make sure she was born in Wed lock... (silly I know....but you'll be amazed at how people see this as an extremely grown up thing for you to do and respect that)...

Also as you are pregnant, you couldn't exactly afford to much of a dress because of your growing bump....and because you will be buying things for the baby...

At a later date you could hold a joint naming/wedding party after your daughter is born... :)
Could you not have a registry office wedding like your thinking of now, and then maybe a blessing once the baby has arrived? Where your family can come and celebrate the fact that you are married and your baby girls birth?
Why not have a cival regt office wedding, invite both sets of parents and then go out for a meal after. That way, you ain't (excuse my lingo) pishing on anyone's fire.

After bubs is born, you can always plan the big wedding as a renewal of the vowels. I think, if you do it in secret, both sets of parents will be very upset.
us carly you have to live within your means.. can you really afford a big wedding? and what is your ideal? i knew that with this one we wouldnt start trying till we were married (after getting engaged we decided) jsut because i wanted to ensure that we both decided that this relationship was secure, and that we both wanted to bring children up in a relationship where they were all planned and wanted..

i think you have to both sit down and talk aobut what YOU both want.
Just Noticed Lots Of Replies To This Lol, Thanks Everyone.. But Its Kinda An Old Thread Now :) I Really Appreciate All Your Advice :hug: xxx

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